Saturday, January 07, 2006

Is Big Brother Watching You? What about a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend? Your employer? WHO???

For those of you who don't know, I love reading political blogs. I have become somewhat of an issue whore/political junkie. Reading about crooked lobbyist and other scandals really gets me going.

One of my favorite blogs,, has a pretty interesting post this morning about a company that will get you the numbers that a phone has called or been called for only $110. Check this story out. It's crazy! This hammers home the message that in today's world, nothing is private. If you've been living in a cave or a vacuum for the past few weeks, it also may be news that President Bush and the NSA have been doing a ton of warrant-less spying on American citizens.

People, we need to get upset over this. We need to write to our lawmakers and demand that this stop. We can no longer take for granted the rights and freedom that we have enjoyed, because iff this administration has it's way, we are all in a world of hurt. Alito, Worker's Rights, Women's Rights, equal treatment for the GBLT community, Iraq, dependance on foreign oil, the environment ... the list goes on and on.


In a nutshell, the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story two days ago about a Web site that sells phone records, for cells and land-lines, for $110 a pop. The company boasts on its own Web site:

Give us the cell phone number and we will send you the calls made from the cell phone number.

Scary Shit. Scary.