Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hey Keau, Why the sudden increase in blog entries?

Those of you out there in DigitalGlamNation who have been sending me countless emails wondering why I haven’t been updating my blog as often as I used to will now be happy to know that I have found a renewed inspiration and method for tapping into my creativity. Before I divulge my sources, I need to give you a quick history lesson on my blogging habits.

When I first started Digital Glam in late 2005, I was doing it out of sheer boredom. It was therapeutic for me to visit the burn lounge and spend a quiet Sunday evening with the computer, a glass of wine and just me and my thoughts. I was working long weeks and spending my entire weekend with Gavin, so Sunday’s were a time for reflection and introspective thought.

When I moved in with Gavin (in October of 2005) and started this voyage (April 2006), I had to make time to sit in a quiet area and find the inspiration to write about my thoughts and what we’ve been up to. At first it was easy, but as we got busier and busier and access to the internet became harder to find, it became a bit more challenging to update the blog until I just got too lazy to do so.


Ok, so that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, I know. So what I’ve decided to do is instead of taking the time to format my pictures, upload them and then link them to my blog, I’m going to upload just a few that are pertinent to the entry and then provide you with a link to my wonderful Gooogle Web-Album so you can see more pictures from our trip.

Like always, if you really enjoyed a blog entry or want to know more about a particular segment , please email me and let me know. I probably can share a story or two that I didn’t feel was appropriate for the public. J

I’d like to thank Jeff H, Jason S, my mom, Graham P, Ryan H and everyone else that has inspired me to continue blabbing about our little adventures. Honestly, it begins to feel a bit trite to write about what we do, but knowing that someone out there reads this stuff makes me happier than you’ll ever know.

Oh, and comments are always welcome!!