Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I <3 Umami

I can always rely on my father to fill my inbox with about 4 - 5 emails a day. They are 99% forwards or webclippings of articles that he feels I would appreciate. The topics cover the whole spectrum, from MLB Baseball to cooking to family genealogy.

The other day, he sent me an article titled, "Is MSG Making a Comeback? After Years of Demonization, MSG Remains Ubiquitous as a Flavor Enhancer". It's a fun little read for those of you who grew up with a little shaker of "Ajinomoto" in your kitchen. (My parents were against having it in the house, even though we probably consumed enough of on a regular basis.)

I'm a fan of MSG and I'm not afraid to admit it. I won't eat at a Chinese restaurant near my house that has a huge sign out front that says, "Absolutely No MSG". Please. The reason why I eat Chinese food is for the MSG!