Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fall is here.

Adios summer! When Gavin and I got here back in November, spring had sprung and the city was in full bloom. We enjoyed a great summer in Buenos Aires (nobody loves the summer more than the Argentineans!) and now it's fall. When we got here back in November, we didn't have plans to stay this long and thus, we don't have clothes for the cold. (I also refuse to buy anything else since we are returning to the northern hemisphere and I don't want to carry around anymore shit.)

Here are a few photos from the past month. We've met some great people and have done some amazing things. Words can't begin to describe our experience here in Buenos Aires.

With just a few days left in this great city, I find myself reflecting on the past 7 months and counting the many ways that this has changed my life.

I will miss Argentina. I hope to return sometime in the future.

Buenos Aires "Subte". Incredibly cheap, but often times more packed than a can of sardines.

Kata & Celia (Germany) with Gav and Losida.

Oxtail Stew. Yum! (I know how much you love the food pics!)

Gav at the racetracks.

Opening day at the Palermo Hipodromo.

Ricky & Jonathan (Ecuador) and me in Buenos Aires.

The Tango Show at Cafe Tortoni.

Me, Johan (Holland), Silvana (Argentina) and Gav.

A typical Argentinean fruit & veggie stand.

My favorite pasta maker in the city.

Me, Stephen (UK) and Gav.

Gav and I with Aldo, our spanish teacher.

Flashback: February in Argentina. Iguazu Falls & Misiones Province.

It's almost winter here in Buenos Aires. Yesterday it was 37F/3C and that's a bit too cold for me. Gavin and I are flying back to the US in just a few days, but before we leave, I have a few blog entries to write.

Back in February, Jeff H and Keven H made their way back to Argentina for one more visit. (They just couldn't get enough during their previous visit in November.) This time around, we didn't waste anytime playing tourist in Buenos Aires, but rather, we explored the the northern province of Misiones and Santa Cruz to the south.

At the same time, our friend Jason E from London was in Brazil celebrating Carnival and decided to fly down to BA to visit us and also check out Iguazu Falls. It was great seeing Jason again. The last time we got that opportunity was in London, last September. Jason is an amazing guy and he's always up for a pint of beer, so as you can imagine, we're natural friends. (Hmm ... it's 5pm. I think it's time for a cold one.)

It was a blast living it up in BA with Jason, Jeff and Keven. Fancy dinners, champagne, late nights out on the town and much much more.

We flew from Buenos Aires to Iguazu, which is located in Misiones Province. Misiones borders Brazil and Paraguay and is in the northeast corner of Argentina. It was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of BA, but the heat and humidity was a bit much.

The actual Port of Iguazu didn't have much to offer, but that wasn't the reason why we were there. The gem of this corner of Argentina is Iguazu Falls. Vastly larger than Niagra Falls, Iguazu Falls rivals Victoria Falls in Africa and is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Truly stunning.

In addition to the falls, we took a day trip to visit some stupid mine and also the ruins of a Jesuit mission. I would not recommend this day-trip, since it was close to a 4 hour bus ride in each direction and incredibly boring. (Not to mention that Argentinean drivers are crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy!)

Gav, Jason & Jeff in Jorge Newberry (Aeroparque) Airport, Buenos Aires.

Iguazu Falls.

Gavin in the ruins of the Jesuit mission.
Iguazu Photo Album