Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience Part II

We ended up bringing a few bottles home from Australia. We enjoyed the Shiraz in one night, but we bought two bottles of the Lindemans Tawny. For those of you who don't know what a Tawny it, it's a red dessert wine. It's a bit sweet (and Gavin and I bought a pair of tiny crystal wine glasses at Goodwill to drink our tawny out of).

After Australia, we spent a few months trying out various Australian and New Zealand wines. Not a bad region, if you ask me. We were getting our wine experience for our upcoming trip to Italy.

Italy kicked our ass. We were sick as dogs from partying too much in the fabulous clubs of London, and were in no condition to go on a wine tasting of the Chianti region of Tuscany.

We ended up going.

The Old World region of Italy wasn't as fun to the novice as Australia, but I can't begin to tell you how blown away I was with the vineyards that outdated the United States. It was awe inspriring to see how many centuries of wine making has been passed down from generation to generation.

As Gavin, Jason, Rob and Jeff tried various wines from this region rich with history, I lay sick as a dog in the short bus that Jeff so kindly hired. I look back at the event and shake my head over how such a wonderful opportunity was squandered over three nights of hot boys, great music and mind altering substances. Hmm.... or was it?

The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience

The boyfriend and I LOVE wine. I can't begin to tell you how much vino we consume on a weekly basis. (If anyone is interested in drinking wine with us, let me know.)

When we first met, I didn't know much about wine. Gavin knew a bunch, but never really sampled a whole lot of wine. Then we went to Australia. The Hunter Valley is perhaps one of the best places to sample wine as a newbie. Two neo-wine enthusiasts exploring one of the New World's best.

Neuvo architecture and exploratory usages of grapes, makes for a liberal and open atmosphere for the most green of wine fans.With our trusted friend (and driver) Ashley, we went from vineyard to vineyard. We would stop and taste various shirazs, cabs, whites and our favourite of them all, the tawny. It was a day of fun, sun, lunch and great wine ... all spent down under.

Phillips or Flathead?

As either of my sibling can attest to, my mother has a great love for the screwdriver. I'm not talking tool belts here, but rather good ole fashioned OJ with vodka over ice. I'm not kidding around here kids, she has a high ball glass in a lauhala holder. The sound of ice in a glass brings back memories of playing with my action figures (or sister's Jem dolls) on the green lineoleum of my parent's 1976 house. Just like Tina in Mommy Dearest, I knew how to pour mommy's drink.

Now before you start thinking of my mom as a drunk, you have to realize that she is perhaps the most loving person you could ever meet. So what if she had a drink in the early evening? I say that a drink, a walk, or smoke ... whatever you need to unwind, is what we all need to stay sane.

This Thanksgiving, I am going to pour my mom a drink. It'll be in her favorite lauhala basket/cup combo, but this time I'll use Grey Goose and fresh squeezed Ka'u oranges. That'll make her day.

Cheers, mom!

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