Saturday, January 14, 2006

Lesbians in Outer Space

It's Friday night in Kailua and Gavin and I are home watching Star Trek The Next Generation on the G4 Network. It's cool seeing the first episode of the series, which ran in 1987 ... 19 years ago.

Anyhow, I can't help but think to myself what a huge lesbian Lt Tasha Yar was. As ship's Chief Security officer, she made sure that faggy ass Jean Luc Picard was safe at all times. With her short dyke hair cut and sensible intergalatic shoes, she helped kick Ferengi ass throughout the 1st Season. It's too bad that she got killed by a blob at the end of the season. Poor Denise Crosby. She thought she could find bigger and better things outside of the world of Star Trek.

Aber-Scrotum & Bitch

So today, the new Abercrombie & Fitch Catalog came out and I'm happy to say that we finally have a swing back to the good ole days. You know, the happy go lucky, homo-erotic catalog of the late 90's?

Here's one of their shots from the new Spring Catalog ... so gay.