Tuesday, October 11, 2005  | Like Burn? Category: Jobs, Work, Careers Enough with the fucking Burn Lounge Bull Shit. Leave me a lone already. I don't care about your Pyramid Schemes. Go pull your Amway shenanigans elsewhere. There are over 800,000 people in this state alone and yet those pesky Chiquitas keep on coming after me. Leave me alone already!
Ok, back to the real world now.
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| Thursday, October 06, 2005  | I'm a Blog Wh0re I love my blog. I love it when people read my blog and post comments. I love telling people about my blog. If I were to be a guest on a talk show (The Daily Show, Letterman, Tyra, Ellen, etc), I'd plug my blog.
As Seattle Politician, Charlie Chong, would say, "That is what I am trying to proclaim you about!"
 Charlie Chong
 | Currently listening: In Between Dreams By Jack Johnson Release date: By 01 March, 2005 | | |
| Wednesday, October 05, 2005  | The Attack of the 6 foot tall Korean Girl! Category: Sports Today, golf phenom, Michelle Wie announced that she is going pro. Rumor has it that the two contracts that she signed with Sony and Nike are worth between 4 to 5 million dollars EACH. Not bad for a 15 year old girl from Punahou. I have no idea how she does it, but in every appearance she has such poise and grace, and with her height (she's 6' tall), you'd think that she was much older. She tops the short list of people to watch in 2006. Glam. That's all I can think of when I look at her.
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| Tuesday, October 04, 2005  | I love Monchong! Category: Food and Restaurants Gav and I were pushing the large shopping cart around Costco yesterday and in the meat/seafood section they had Monchong for sale. Also known as Pomfret, fresh Monchong (Taractichthys steindachneri) is pretty much the world's most perfect fish. Ironically, it wasn't always prized by chefs throughout the islands. For a long time, it was discarded due to it's ugly appearance and more importantly, because it was by-catch, meaning it was caught unintentionally while fishing for other types of fish. If you have never had Monchong, I recommend trying it. As Gavin says, "It's pretty much impossible to F-up Monchong," since it stays so moist. I recommend it with a nice white wine, like a New Zealand Pinot Gris. It also has a much longer shelf life than most of ther fish. Remember: Fish that smells like fish, is not fresh fish!
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| Monday, October 03, 2005  | Bush Nominates Drag Queen to the Supreme Court Category: News and Politics Yesterday, President Bush nominated White House counsel, and long time associate, Harriet Miers to fill the Supreme Court Seat left by Sandra Day O'Connor. There's quite the buzz over this nomination, since some on the Left are saying that this could be a sign that Bush is avoiding a potential showdown with the Senate Democrats by not nominating an ideological right wing-nut, while the religious right crazies are up in arms since they feel that they deserve another Thomas or Scalia. All I have to say is, Girl, you are one scary looking bitch. Have you seen her picture? I've seen drag queens at after hour bars who look better than her. In some of the pictures that the AP is using, she looks like a drowned rat.

| |  | Moving On Up Category: Life I can't say this enough, but I hate moving. I hate it with a passion. Since I moved out of my parent's house in 1995, I have determined that I haven't lived in a place longer than a year. I have moved 13 times since 1995! I guess that's what happens when you don't own your own place, or even better, when you like change. Maybe I should just chalk it up to my capricious nature. In any event, I have moved out of my Waikiki place and now all of my Earthy posessions are in Kailua. Not to sound too cliche, but a new chapter has begun in my life and I couldn't be happier. | |
| Wednesday, September 28, 2005  | StarFcker! So my friend Cara, who lives in LA and works for Sony, got to speak to Daphne Zuniga on the phone the other day. I'm so J!

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| Tuesday, September 27, 2005  | Co-Habitation Moving is a real pain in the ass. Back in college, I would move probably once every 9 months and that was a real bitch. Now that I’m in the Real World (The Real World Hawaii with that funny drunk girl. Not the Real World Seattle, where the girl with lyme disease got slapped by that closeted Black guy.) I have a lot of stuff. I try not to collect too many material items, but when you suddenly have a disposable income after being close to the poverty line, you can’t help but acquire fabulous little items. Take my Halloween Box, for example. The darn thing is just jam packed with all sorts of great costumes, wigs, accessories and other festive items that I just can’t part with. (If anyone wants to take a look into Keau’s Halloween/Costume Box, let me know.)
Where are you moving, Keau?
Gav and I have decided to give co-habitation a shot. We’ve been flirting with the idea since we returned from Sydney back in March, but now that we have been dating for over a year and we think that we have things under control, we’re going to attempt to combine our living situation. On the positive side, we can save a bunch of money (I just saved 15 percent on my car insurance!) and we can also share expenses (food & drink probably account for a huge part of my monthly budget). So this Saturday, I’m moving to Kailua. Good bye Waikiki. Good bye stumbling-distance from the Wave. Good bye Porpoise Spit!
Will we ever see you again?
Of course! Gavin and I are social animals and I know that I will need my own space every now and then, so you’d better believe that I’ll sneak out every now and then to have mid-week rendezvous with friends & coworkers.
I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life. Never before have I lived with anyone that I’m dating. I’m both scared and giddy at the same time. I have complete confidence in our communication skills, so I know that living together will work out. Besides, whatever doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger!
Back to packing.
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| Saturday, September 24, 2005  | I like tight ends! I am a man. I like to drink beer. I like to arm wrestle. I even like to fart. But most importantly, I love watching football. Whether it's on tv or even better, live in person, I love football! I love third-down conversions, I making the hand clapping safety dance after 2 points in the end zone, I love trash-talking, I love First and 10's, I even love drinking beer at 8:30am before kick-off. I will take a crisp fall day with the sound of the drum line in the distance over a sunny summer day at the beach surrounded by Kylie's backup dancers. People! I love football!
I'm not talking just any football. This is nothing against the NFL, Pop Warner, AFL, KFC, or ESPN 8 the Ocho, but I am a NCAA Div IA Football fan only. I trace this to my Aunt and Uncle who always wanted their first born nephew (they had no kids of their own) to attend the University of Washington. I remember Christmas as a kid. I would look longingly towards my sister's Jem and the Holidagrams dolls that she would get and then take a hard long look at my WASHINGTON HUSKIES 1990 ROSE BOWL CHAMPIONS SHIRT and think to myself, "Wow, I don't know what the heck a Rose Bowl is, but it must be important."
Anyone who's gone with me to an away game can attest that I am a grade A shit talker. Seriously. I love marching into another team's stadium loaded up with all the one line zingers that you can use in your trash talking arsenal. I would have the ultimate come-back on their "Heisman Candidate" that didn't quite have the season they were hoping for. I love shit talking with everyone! Old white trash men, with young hot frat boys, and even with the crazy grandmas with sparkly hats - I can shit talk with them all. I've gotten beer cans, dog biscuits, pom poms and ice thrown at me at various venues. I remember this one time that I had to correct a drunken Michigan fan who had made the error of calling the three of my friends and I "fags." I had to politely tell him that Brent, who was with us and not gay, was in fact, not gay. Silly Michigan fan didn't know what to say back.
Football has really been dead to me for the past 2 seasons (well, this seaon and last). For you see, my beloved Washington Huskies are not having the seasons we expected. Ross and i were talking about the good ole days where we used to get our panties in a bunch when we would lose 3 or *GASP* 4 games a year and have to play a mid-major team that had a good year in the inagural Oahu Bowl. Of course, nobody cared about this bowl. Nobody cared about The Air Force Academy and their triple option offense. Nobody cared! So we lost.
 Cheers Dawg Fans
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| Thursday, September 22, 2005  | Ryan K Robertson Category: Life Last week I lost someone who's life meant so much to me. He inspired me and showed me how to trust, love and be loved. He showed me the world and challenged my mind, while all the time being one of my best friends. Even after we ended our two and a half year relationship, you still played a huge role in my life.
I don't understand how someone who was loved could feel so alone? So down and depressed, that the only answer was to end their own life? His funeral was filled with dozens of people who all felt that Ryan had inspired their lives in some form or another. That, my friends, is a quality that is rarely found in our world.
If you know Ryan or would like to know more about how special he was, please visit his memorial website.
 | Currently listening: Here's to the Night By Eve 6 Release date: By 12 November, 2001 | | |
Thursday, September 22, 2005  | The Real World: Waikiki Category: Life Realty TV 2005
 I got sucked into watching Dancing with the Stars tonight. My very first episode! This show is quality tv. With judges with all sorts of accents and back stage reactions and comments by the contestants, you may very well be watching the Olympics or something. With one of the judges being a hot Japanese-American girl from Hawaii! Carrie Ann Inaba. How hot. (Punahou Grad, though). Here's what ABC's website says: "Carrie Ann is a naturally feisty character and along with her stunning good looks isn't afraid to say what she means or tell it like it is. If she doesn't like something, she'll let you know, even if it may hurt your feelings.
Carrie Ann's impressive background in choreography gives her the confidence to put forth her opinions and take no prisoners. Although she takes enormous pleasure in seeing non-dancers commit themselves to such a brave task, the celebrities are going to have to work hard to impress this tough cookie.
Carrie Ann is a much sought-after choreographer and has worked on numerous feature films, television shows, music videos and tours including Showgirls, Miss America 2003, American Idol, Madonna's The Girlie Show tour and Ricky Martin's Shake Your Bon Bon video. She also starred in Austin Powers 3: Gold Member as "Fook Yu."" Hmm.... I really don't know what to say about that resume. I mean, I love .. LOVE Madonna and she was in the freaking Girlie Show from Sydney? That's the second coming of Jesus. But, "Fook Yu" from "Austin Powers 3: Gold Member"? Seriously. Not that cliche, stereotypical Asian sex crazed school girl. It's sad that most Asian Americans need to take such roles. Anyhow, back to the story...
A quick little research trip to Google, found her filography, which I guess should be called her danceography. You might remember her from such hits as “In Living Color,” “Show Girls, and “Austin Powers 2.” That’s so sexy. Seriously. She’s the bitchy but supportive Paula Abdul of Dancing with the Stars! How could an entire season of this gem go by without me even knowing? It took me going to Seattle (Ross’ ipod is named “J. Peterman,” isn’t that sick?) to find out that the gays are all in a buzz over this show. I doubt they’ll put season 1 on dvd, but if they do … Netflix, here I come!
Realty TV 2005 Part II
I was in Seattle this weekend (I’ll write more about this later) and on my last night in town, the boys and I went to RPlace. RPlace is a Seattle Gay Bar that has seen many changes in the past few years. I have no idea how old the bar is and what the history is of it’s 3 story layout, but it ironically was the very first gay bar I have been to.
So, I go to the bar to order a round for the boys, but who’s there pulling beers, but Mr Danny from The Real World New Orleans. (Remember the cute gay one with the military boyfriend?) I was really drunk and all I could do was stutter my order. I should have Bryan Singer-ed his ass!

I'm such a StarFcker.
 | Currently listening: Missundaztood By Pink Release date: By 20 November, 2001 | | |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005  | In the closet, no more! I'm coming out! It's time for me to come out. To let the world know the truth about me and that I've been hiding something for awhile now. I always knew I was different from the rest of the boys when I used to stare with curiosity at their long hard fuselage from the tip to the very end of the tail. I would stare at their engines and wonder how much intense power they could produce. Yes, I am a closet airline enthusiast.
How can I tell if my boyfriend is a closet airline enthusiast too?
Watch him when you're sitting out at the park or having a cofee at some sidewalk cafe. Watch his eyes, because you may think that he's checking out the hot blonde on the table behind you, but in actuality, NO! He's trying to catch a glimpse of that brand new 777-300ER. Yup. You've heard me. He's trying to check out her two, enormous, perfectly round engines. Seeing her beautifuly raked wings . He's thinking of where the plane is headed.
Now that I know my boyfriend is a closet airline enthusiast, what can I do to enhance our everyday conversation?
The next time you go on a flight with him, do a little research. It's not tough. All you need to do is have your flight information handy and do a simple internet surfing. Suppose you're flying from Honolulu (HNL) to Seattle (SEA) on Hawaiian Airlines (HA). Log onto Hawaiian Airlines' website and check out your flight itinerary. Most airlines a line that describes what type of equipment you'll be flying on. In your particular case, HA flies a Boeing 767-300 Extended Range or B767-300ER. It's easy as pie! If you do more research, you'll find that HA only flies B767-300ER on their Trans-Pacific flights, but that's not what we're talking about. After you have found out the type of plane you're flying, simply work that bit of info into your regular conversation? Like this:
"Honey, are we flying on a Boeing 767 to Seattle?" You might say.
"Well, as a matter of fact, yes! How astute of you. Let's go have sex." Is how he'd reply.
Now that I've shared this little bit of info with you, I hope you can accept me for who I am. I am not ashamed of myself. A friend once told me, "Keau, you're not the first, and you sure as heck won't be the last!"

Whoa! Awesome.  | Currently listening: All These Things That I've Done By The Killers Release date: By 23 November, 2004 | | |
Sunday, September 11, 2005  | Four Years Later From the New York Times Magazine Four years after we watched the towers fall, Americans have not succeeded in "ridding the world of evil." We have managed to show ourselves, our friends and most of all our enemies the limits of American power. ....In Iraq, the insurgents have presided over a catastrophic collapse in confidence in the Americans and a concomitant fall in their power....While the American death toll climbs steadily toward 2,000, the number of Iraqi dead probably stands at 10 times that and perhaps many more; no one knows. ....In the midst of it all, increasingly irrelevant, are the Americans, who have the fanciest weapons but have never had sufficient troops, or political will, to assert effective control over the country...."The illusionists," Ambassador John Negroponte's people called their predecessors, the officials of the Coalition Provisional Authority under L. Paul Bremer III. Now, day by day, the illusion is slipping away, and with it what authority the Americans had in Iraq. What is coming to take its place looks increasingly like a failed state. Four years ago, our world was shocked by a senseless act of violence and terror. None of us felt, as Americans, that we could be brought to our knees by a carefully planned out attack on our very soil. Blindly, we gave the Bush Administration the key to enact and finalize the plan in which they were finally able to vindicate their master plan against the nation of Iraq. The Greatness of America and the power of the West was finally showcased for the world to see. How quickly we were able to take the collective sympanthy of the world and do a 180. Mandate or not, the neocons in control of our Federal Government have managed to mobolize their fundamentalist right-wing based by using the emotion of fear to their advantage.
Where have we come in the past 4 years? Do you feel more safe now or when a group of men slammed two jets into the World Trade Center? Do you feel that your rights as and individiual are safe? With all the major SNAFU's: from Katrina to Haliburton. The Supreme Court nominees to GITMO. Where do you see America heading in the near future? Countries like South Korea, India and China are posed to take over the territory in which we held exclusively. Our monopoly on being the leader in creative thought and scientific breakthroughs is about to be lost. This is what happens when we sell out to such notions as intelligent design vs Science, big business, and the right for government to infringe on our privacy.
I am scared. I am scared as a gay man. I am scared as an American. I am scared as an individual. The role that the government plays in my life has dramatically changed in the past 4 years. The "War on Terror" and the pursuit of Freedom and Liberty for all has, in my opinion, failed miserably. We have strained our county's capital. Both emotional and financial. We have drained resources and in the pursuit to fund campaigns that, under false pretenses, do not benefit the United States as a whole, but rather are the carefully calculated plans of a select few. The special interest groups, the evangilical religious right wing and the big businesses in the world are the ones who are now on the receiving end of the Bush Administration's war on terror, the fight against free thought, independant thinking and the hiding of trut.
Kevin Drum from The Washington Monthly puts it so elequently:
Several years on, though, it's clear that what they've really accomplished is just the opposite: an unmistakable demonstration of the limits of American power, as well as the limits of the American public's tolerance for overseas wars that have only veiled and esoteric connections to national security. In the end, I suspect that the war in Iraq will be for neoconservatism what the war on poverty ended up being for 60s liberalism: its Waterloo. | |
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