5 bottles a week is what Gav and I average between the two of us. For price, I go to Costco. They have a great selection at great prices. One of my favorite's has actually been a 2001 Kirkland Signature Cab from the Alexander Valley. For those of you not in the know, Kirkland Signature is Costco's brand that is known for excellent quality at affordable prices. Whether we're talking tighty whities, cranberry juice, bathroom tissue, or in this case ... wine, Kirkland Signature is always top notch. At $17 a bottle, I wonder how much this wine would cost if it wasn't under the Kirkland Signature label. Consumers really do come out on top with Kirkland Signature!
I am going to try and put together a photo wine journal here on my blog. I'll try my best to rate the wine and give you a little description. (I'll probably have to get Gavin's help on the description, since he's so good at telling me about tannens, bouquet and all those fruity tastes.) Until I get down the lingo, I'll tell you if I'll buy it again. How does that sound?

2004 Argyle Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
Consumed: Nov 8, 2005
Price: Unsure. Definitely under $20
Bought: HASR Wine, Honolulu, HI
Would I get it again? Sure!

Cheers Gavin!
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