Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Does you get email access in heaven?

Communicating with the deceased has been something that humans have tried to accomplish for over thousands of year. Since the dawn of time, we have lost those who are most precious to us, often times not getting the opportunity to have that last conversation with them. We often have 20/20 vision in hindsight and often deliver a very emotional soliloquy after everything is said and done. What if we had a way to communicate with the dead. What if heaven had email and internet access.

Of course, the majority of this question stands on the basis on whether or not there actually is life after death. But for the sake of argument, why don't we just say that you die and go to heaven. No hell or anything nasty like that, (I think the concept of hell was created as a form of control by the church.) just heaven. Plain and simple ole heaven.

When an old person dies, you are left with memories, but when a young person dies, you are often left with questions.

If you had email access in heaven, there wouldn't be so many questions.

But are those questions meant to be answered?

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