Thursday, December 22, 2005

Weird Science

Tis the season!

As Americans flock to their local Wal-Marts and gobble up Chinese-made plastic Sponge Bob toys and Cuddly Elmo dolls, the proponents behind teaching Intelligent Design, or the theory that a divine power created the universe, are busy licking their wounds. A Pennsylvania judge ruled recently that Intelligent Design can't be taught in high school biology classes, but only after the Board of Education and community was made into a national laughing stock.

I'm not saying that God doesn't exist or that we were't created by some power, for each of us is allowed to believe whatever we want to believe in. That's the beauty of this contry.

It means that in science, we can't turn to the supernatural to explain things when natural processes don't answer all of the questions.

Religion and Intelligent Design do not belong in the classrooms. Amen.

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