Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Heath Ledger's Real life Gay Uncle

From Gaydar Radio's Website, I found this interesting tidbit of Heath Ledger and his character on Brokeback Mountain. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend doing so. This love story of two cowboys in 1960's Wyoming transcends the boundries set by society and tells a rather deep and moving story.

In the article, Heath says that he got inspiration for his character after hearing stories from his real life gay uncle.

Heath Ledger’s critically acclaimed performance as a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain was inspired by the personal experiences of his uncle, gay Australian tough guy Neil Bell, the actor told reporters in Hollywood on Sunday.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Lesbians in Outer Space

It's Friday night in Kailua and Gavin and I are home watching Star Trek The Next Generation on the G4 Network. It's cool seeing the first episode of the series, which ran in 1987 ... 19 years ago.

Anyhow, I can't help but think to myself what a huge lesbian Lt Tasha Yar was. As ship's Chief Security officer, she made sure that faggy ass Jean Luc Picard was safe at all times. With her short dyke hair cut and sensible intergalatic shoes, she helped kick Ferengi ass throughout the 1st Season. It's too bad that she got killed by a blob at the end of the season. Poor Denise Crosby. She thought she could find bigger and better things outside of the world of Star Trek.

Aber-Scrotum & Bitch

So today, the new Abercrombie & Fitch Catalog came out and I'm happy to say that we finally have a swing back to the good ole days. You know, the happy go lucky, homo-erotic catalog of the late 90's?

Here's one of their shots from the new Spring Catalog ... so gay.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mary Had A Little Lamb

On Boxing Day (Dec 26), Gavin and I made a roast lamb for dinner and enjoyed it with a beautiful Australian Shiraz that Yamin gave to us. He carried it all the way from Sydney! The wine matched the lamb and Gavin made an amazing fresh mint sauce. Delish!

2003 McLaren Vale The Footbolt Shiraz

A digital thermometer. A must have for any roast!

Roast Cam


Frist vs Bryd

Did anyone hear the All Things Considered (NPR) ** piece about the Alito nomination and the potential filibuster? Sen Bill Frist (R-TN) and Sen Robert Byrd (D-WV) really went at it (relative to other Senate debates).

If you haven't heard it, check it out. All I have to say is, Whoa! When an 88 year old Senator from West Virginia puts the smack down on a Bushie rubber-stamp lackie, you have to pay attention.

Byrd is pissed and called out the Republicans.

** When not listening to STAR 101.9 (KUCD-FM), you may listen to Air America or NPR.


The holidays had me so busy this year, that I didn't get a chance to blog about your Christmas, so here we go! (Better late than never, right?)

Gavin made homemade eggnog, which ended up being the hit of the party. I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE eggnog! After drinking his wonderfuly festive concoction, I can't go back to drinking store bought nog.

Christmas night was spent over at Michael, Brian & Rob's house. Here are a few pics for your enjoyment.

Gavin, Keau and Steve

Matt F and Gavin in his lovely green shirt. How festive! (Don we know our gay apparel.)

Gavin and Steve

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The State of Hawaii

These days, everywhere you turn, you can't escape the news of how hot our local economy has been. The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau reported that in 2005, Hawaii has had the most tourists in one year, ever ... 7 million people. We welcome these visitors to our land since they bring money to spend in our local economy. Hotels, restaurants, the many businesses and the State have all enjoyed the windfall of money spent in our economy. It's almost as if we've forgotten how bad things were just a few years ago. How many of us remember how difficult it was after 9/11 and when the economy took a nose dive? Sure, you could argue that many people lost their jobs and small business owners took the biggest hit, but it's hard to argue that we are making the most of this economic boon to our shores.

A recent study shows that Hawaii tops the nation in the price of rentals. We live in paradise, but pay for it in an extremely high cost of living and a housing market that exposes the disparity between the have's and the have-nots. Nowhere else in the United States do young college educated professionals live with their parents until their late 20's or beyond. Nowhere else, do 25 year olds drive leased 3-series BMWs, tout designer hand bags and take regular trips to Hawaii's favorite vacation spot, Las Vegas - all while still living with the parents. Why do we continue to squander these good economic times by simply throwing away all that we have earned by dumping it into frivolous materalistic goods that will not give us any sort of return instead of turning around and making some sort of investment that will pay us some sort of dividend in the future? Why do we travel thousands of miles to the middle of the desert so we can dump thousands and thousands of hard earned dollars into the economy of Las Vegas, Nevada? The Nevada Gaming Commission must love how every day, hundreds of local people travel to their casinos just to give their hard earned money away. How much money do we lose on a daily, weekly and yearly basis, simply by going to Las Vegas (Hawaii's Favorite Vacation Destination!) and losing our shirts in an attempt to hit that oh-so-elusive jackpot?

Sure, we all know someone's aunty who hit it big over at the California Hotel. Afterall, everyone knows that you have a better chance of winning at a downtown casino than somehwere on the strip? We all see the headlines in the Advertiser or Star Bulletin when a local person wins a big payout in Nevada. What we don't see is all of the money that is simply lost. Money that could have been spent and better used by keeping it here in Hawaii. It's a vicious cycle of visitors spending their money here in Hawaii to have it leave when a local family goes to Las Vegas and blows $10,000 on a 4 day trip. I guess roundtrip airfare, transfers and food vouchers for $350 per person makes up for the $2,000 that you lose during your short weekend trip to Vegas, right?

It's time for us to wake up and realize that we are squandering away these great economic times. Instead of building urban cores that foster growth and curb urban sprawl, we decide instead to expand on suburbia and extend our need on oil to fuel our economy. What happens when the price of oil goes so high that airlines can't fly here on a regular basis and ships can't bring our rice and toilet paper to our ports? Do we think that cheap oil will last forever and that we will always have a steady stream of tourists to dump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about this little exercise. Think back to post 9/11 Hawaii. More specificaly, think back to post 9/11 Waikiki. Remember how the streets were empty and the hotels were practically begging us locals to come out and stay there? Remember how stores closed in Ala Moana and how bars and restaurants had to cut shifts of their employees? Well, times like that could very well happen again sometime in the near future. I doubt a trip to Vegas, with the hopes of hitting it big, will make you feel better then.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Is Big Brother Watching You? What about a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend? Your employer? WHO???

For those of you who don't know, I love reading political blogs. I have become somewhat of an issue whore/political junkie. Reading about crooked lobbyist and other scandals really gets me going.

One of my favorite blogs,, has a pretty interesting post this morning about a company that will get you the numbers that a phone has called or been called for only $110. Check this story out. It's crazy! This hammers home the message that in today's world, nothing is private. If you've been living in a cave or a vacuum for the past few weeks, it also may be news that President Bush and the NSA have been doing a ton of warrant-less spying on American citizens.

People, we need to get upset over this. We need to write to our lawmakers and demand that this stop. We can no longer take for granted the rights and freedom that we have enjoyed, because iff this administration has it's way, we are all in a world of hurt. Alito, Worker's Rights, Women's Rights, equal treatment for the GBLT community, Iraq, dependance on foreign oil, the environment ... the list goes on and on.


In a nutshell, the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story two days ago about a Web site that sells phone records, for cells and land-lines, for $110 a pop. The company boasts on its own Web site:

Give us the cell phone number and we will send you the calls made from the cell phone number.

Scary Shit. Scary.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Soccer Moms and Swingers

From the AP.

Some teenage soccer players and their parents saw more sights than they wanted when they stayed at a hotel where about 200 swingers were having a New Year's party.

The families said the sexually adventurous partygoers sometimes flashed breasts and bare buttocks in front of the children as they sashayed through the hotel atrium. The parents described the dress at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Airport in Orlando as "raunchy, despicable and worse than prostitutes."

"The kids could see through the glass atrium into the ballroom where naked people were dancing. There were exposed breasts, thongs and see-through dresses on women who were not wearing any underwear."

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years in Honolulu

New Year's was amazing. I wasn't expecting anything huge, but we ended up going to the Living Room and the music was out of control. Skybox's afterparty was ok, but not really my scene. The worst thing about it was that I dind't even get a beer at 6am. That blows.

Happy New Year Everone!