Friday, September 29, 2006

It's Not The Out Ones That You Need To Worry About

I really try not to let narrow-minded bigots get to me. You know, those Holier-Than-Thou types who don't let Gays adopt or become Boy Scout leaders because they are afraid of pedophilia, child abuse or the ever-so-dangerous Gay Agenda. But sometimes, really F*cked up things happen that make me laugh out of sheer frustration and yell at the top of my lungs, "It's not the OUT ones that you need to worry about!!" Seriously, us out gay men and women have spent our entire lives coming to terms with our sexuality and we are not about to spend our free time chasing after young boys and girls when we have bigger fish to fry, nor are we going to spend thousands of dollars to adopt a Mandarin baby just to sexually abuse her! Or perhaps the biggest load of crap that I just don't understand is: Why on earth would any out gay man sacrifice his weekends to be a Boy Scout Leader?

People, listen closely. It's not the out ones that you need to worry about. The rainbow flag waving homos that march down Main Street every June are not the ones you need to target. The ones who are most likely to sexually abuse kids are probably married and live in the suburbs and most of all, they are probably the biggest anti-gay hate-mongers you will find.

Take Spokane, Washington mayor Jim West. He spent his entire political career (over 25 years) trying to pass the most vicious anti-gay legislation you can think of and guess what? Last year it was revealed that over the same amount of time he has lead a secret life of a closeted homosexual who used his position to get sex from young boys! What a perverted and twisted piece of shitte!

It gets better ...

Just today Repulican Congressman from Florida, Mark Foley, abruptly resigns the day after ABC broke a story about an email exchange between him and a then 16 year old Congressional Page. Apparently this scumbag sent the 16 year old from Louisiana an email asking him if he was okay after Hurrican Katrina and then asked him what he wanted for his birthday and requested that the young boy send him a picture! Eeeeew!

The list goes on and on and I won't even touch the whole molestation scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church.

The next time you hear someone spitting venom against Gays and Lesbians, you should think that maybe that person is trying to hide some deep dark secret and this is their defense mechanism in action. Seriously, it's not the out and proud ones that you have to worry about. We have bigger things to worry about.

Now what brand of designer jeans should I buy next?

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