Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cute Babies, A visit from Jeff and sitting on baskets!

There are few things that I love more than meeting up with friends in new cities. (My mom & brother flew out to NYC to visit and we met up with John L in NYC & London, among others). So you can imagine how excited we were when we found out that Jeff H was going to be in DC the same time we! How bout that?

Check out the pics from our date with Jeff in Washington DC.

Jeff H in leather at the Ethiopian Restaurant. (That's a bottle of mead in my hands!)

Communal eating at its finest.

Gav ate a chili pepper! Gah!

For more pictures, check out my Picasa Web Album below:
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Back in the U-S-A

After almost two months in Europe, I was about ready to come home to something familiar. Don't get me wrong, Europe was amazing and I can't wait to go back, but it's only natural for you to miss "home". (Techincally, Gav and I are still homeless, since we don't really have a "home.")

Our flight back home was almost as great as the trip over, and we landed in Washington DC feeling rested and ready to take on the USA!

We spent a few days in Falls Church, VA with Valy, Pink & Keira before going south to Norfolk to visit Gav's fam.

Here are a few pics from the first few days back in the US.

Stars & Stripes

Monkey business at the Washington Monument

Push this button and you'll be added to the "No Fly List".

For more picture, click the picture below!

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Eating Our Way Across the Iberian Penisula

I started doing my blog about a year ago and the number one comment I get from people is that they absolutely love it when I talk about the meals I've had and take pictures of the delicious items that I devour!

We ate really really well while visiting Spain and Portugal. Gavin and I have an uncanny ability to pick out restaurants while we visit new places that end up being fantastic! Nothing gets me more excited than a hole in the wall place where Gav and I are the only ones speaking English. So hot!

This blog entry goes out to all of the people who read my blog and love food!

Finger licking pastries in Porto, Portugal.

Ice cold Spanish beer with a Boca del Rey Burger (hamburger, egg, ham, bacon., lettuce and just a touch of mayo!).

Fresh clamari with herbs and salad in Porto, Portugal.

For more food, check out my Picasa Web Album:

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who ever knew the mid-term elections could be so much fun?

I don't know about you, but I can't get enough coverage of the upcoming mid-term elections! I'm trying not to get too excited about everything, but when CNN and MSNBC both have non-stop stories about how the Dems are poised to take over the House and possibly the Senate (plus some key Governorships around the nation). We're in the home-stretch now. Tuesday will be very interesting!

Oh yeah, we're in Buenos Aires now. I have a bunch of blogs to write and then I'll get to South America!