Monday, January 23, 2012

Sensible planning

I was quite happy to read about the sensible addition of a pissoir to the new Dolores Park in a letter sent to the house by the San Francisco Planning Department.

Sure, this was announced a few months back (even the NYT mentioned it), but it's news to me!

It is exciting that our elected officials are taking a pragmatic approach at urination. I mean, men already pee all over the park, so why not build facilities that will be used on busy days. Currently the toilet situation at DP is inadequate at best. The men's room has a urinal that fills completely with water and one stall. There are a few port-a-potties around the park, but those are an eye-sore and unisex, which means queues on busy park days.

Dutch pissoir in Amsterdam

Having a blog is a lot of work

I started this blog before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. This was before it was easy to share pictures and updates from the palm of my hand. I had to take pictures with a digital camera (remember scanning?), upload them to my hard drive and then upload them to the blog. Since I'm not a very good writer (or maybe it's I just don't have the patience to articulate my thoughts through the magic of prose), I chose to let the pictures do the talking. Afterall, a picture is worth a thousand words, is it not?

Now days, I can use Instagram to share pictures to my community and even email my parents with a few clicks on my iPhone. No longer do I have to sit down and think of fun comments and share the story behind the picture.

Why am I saying all of this? Well, because if I want to start blogging again, I am going to have to write about things of substance (not to be confused with substance abuse).

Any ideas on what I should blog about?