Monday, January 23, 2012

Having a blog is a lot of work

I started this blog before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. This was before it was easy to share pictures and updates from the palm of my hand. I had to take pictures with a digital camera (remember scanning?), upload them to my hard drive and then upload them to the blog. Since I'm not a very good writer (or maybe it's I just don't have the patience to articulate my thoughts through the magic of prose), I chose to let the pictures do the talking. Afterall, a picture is worth a thousand words, is it not?

Now days, I can use Instagram to share pictures to my community and even email my parents with a few clicks on my iPhone. No longer do I have to sit down and think of fun comments and share the story behind the picture.

Why am I saying all of this? Well, because if I want to start blogging again, I am going to have to write about things of substance (not to be confused with substance abuse).

Any ideas on what I should blog about?

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