Monday, August 14, 2006

The Out Games, French Canada & Chicken Poutin

Before I jump into this blog entry (which is long overdue), I want to point out the fact that my previous blog entry left you in San Francisco and that I haven't blogged once in the past two months. I have tons of pictures and stories to tell from Seattle, Boise, Salt Lake City, Denver, Chicago and New York, but before I do all of that, I want to blog about our incredible weekend in Montreal for the 1st Out Games.

After six weeks in New York City with Rich and John, Gavin and I couldn't muster the energy to part ways when it was time for the boys to head north to Montreal for the Out Games, so Gavin and I bought a train ticket and joined the party posse for what would end up being one of the best weekends ever!

Montreal is the second largest city in Canada (after Toronto) and also the second largest metropolitan area that speaks French (after Paris). Montreal is also the cultural and arts center of Canada and a kick ass city! After a beautiful 13 hour train ride through Upstate New York (we were at the border for way too long and the once we crossed into Canada, the train moved at a snail's pace) we were suddenly in a different world. Not only did we have to translate Quebecois French into English, but we also had to ThinKMetric!

Montreal is a great destination and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't been before. I found the city to be one of the cleanest I have been to and everyone was so friendly (even though they didn't speak English and I don't speak French!). There is so much more to Quebec than Fur Traders, Maple Syrup and Celine Dion and we were about to find that out.

Gavin was the lead navigator for the group. He has an uncanny (or is it mutant) power to find his way around any city. I, on the other hand, couldn't find my way out of a wet paper bag.

Gav, me, Rich & Ty striking a pose in Le Gay Village.

Although we didn't compete in any of the 35 sports, we did cheer on Tyler and the rest of the Seattle Soccer Team.

Rich and I had to take a picture outside of La basilique Notre Dame de Montreal. (Can you tell me what famous Quebecois got married here?)

No stop in Montreal would be complete without trying a Quebecois delicacy known as Poutin, which consists of French Fries topped with fresh cheese curds and then covered with hot gravy. (I ate this and thought that I had gone to munchies heaven!) For more information, check out wikipedia. They have a great entry on poutin.

In addition to gravy and cheese covered French Fries, Montreal is also famous for its strip clubs and Gay Nightlife, which are all top notch, and when you throw in our still favorable exchange rate (it's not as good as it used to be, but it's still better than 1:1.), and tons of gay athletes from around the world, you have the recipe for an awesome weekend.

Last, but not least, I have to talk about the Out Games and Montreal Pride Parties. The Closing Party, Soul, was done by the same people who do Black & Blue and it was a huge event. Thousands of boys dancing in the convention center made for a great evening. On Sunday, the block party went on for several blocks and had at least three different stages with various forms of entertainment. The beer was flowing and the music was pumping as we danced away the evening and shared the happiness that comes along with meeting people from all over the world.

In closing, I have to say that my weekend in Montreal ranks as one of the best times I have ever had with my friends and Gavin. There was something special about having people come from all over to compete in games and to party. Gav and I were so inspired that we want to go to the next Out Games in Copenhagen and spend the next two years training in some event (any suggestions??) so we can participate and compete in the next Out Games. Posted by Picasa

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