Wednesday, September 13, 2006


editor's note: This blog was originally written and meant to be posted on Aug 30.

In addition to Creating Value™ , we've also been on the look out for Cutural Experiences. These could be as simple as trying a new dish (soul food in the south, fish and chips in London) or learning new slang.

While in London, Gav and I got introduced to cricket. I always thought cricket was some obscure game that was played in England and the rest of the commonwealth and that it was boring, and I was right. People are quick to bash baseball, but let me tell you ... cricket is boring stuff.

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, we were treated to an intra-office match of cricket played by Her Majesty's Treasury. We met up with Ryan (who's Aussie) at his office and went

Ryan & Gav on the way to the cricket match.

Ryan, the batman, striking a bowled ball and successfully defending the wickets (he also scored a few runs). Posted by Picasa

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