Friday, July 10, 2009

Noonan on Palin

I rarely agree with what Peggy Noonan has to say, but she really is quite eloquent when it comes to Sarah Palin.

"In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity. She experienced criticism as both partisan and cruel because she could see no truth in any of it. She wasn't thoughtful enough to know she wasn't thoughtful enough. Her presentation up to the end has been scattered, illogical, manipulative and self-referential to the point of self-reverence. "I'm not wired that way," "I'm not a quitter," "I'm standing up for our values." I'm, I'm, I'm.

In another age it might not have been terrible, but here and now it was actually rather horrifying."

Thursday, July 09, 2009

I think she literally is talking about her disco stick!

First, let's start out with the fact that I am completely in love with Lady GaGa. I thought that I was too old to get all starry eyed over a pop diva, but I guess at age 32 I still can fall in love (like I did with Madonna, Kylie, Cher, et al).

Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about the Lady Gaga's song "Love Game", specifically, what is this disco stick that she sings of? The easy answer would be a penis, right? But why would Lady GaGa lower herself to such a simple metaphor for the male genetalia. Besides, I'd like to think of her as one big lezzzzzzzz. Oh you know you want to see her eat out Katie Perry's snatch just as much as the next person. But that still doesn't answer the question as to what this disco stick really is.

The good people over at BuzzFeed were wondering the same thing, and came to the same conclusion. What does she use this disco stick for? Is this how she harnesses her power? Is it magical? Does she use it to make muffins with? I think I'm going to make my own disco stick and see what kind of trouble I can get into with it.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I <3 Umami

I can always rely on my father to fill my inbox with about 4 - 5 emails a day. They are 99% forwards or webclippings of articles that he feels I would appreciate. The topics cover the whole spectrum, from MLB Baseball to cooking to family genealogy.

The other day, he sent me an article titled, "Is MSG Making a Comeback? After Years of Demonization, MSG Remains Ubiquitous as a Flavor Enhancer". It's a fun little read for those of you who grew up with a little shaker of "Ajinomoto" in your kitchen. (My parents were against having it in the house, even though we probably consumed enough of on a regular basis.)

I'm a fan of MSG and I'm not afraid to admit it. I won't eat at a Chinese restaurant near my house that has a huge sign out front that says, "Absolutely No MSG". Please. The reason why I eat Chinese food is for the MSG!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Color Splashed

A few months ago my friend David asked me if I wanted to meet the host of HGTV's "Color Splash", David Bromstad, and possibly be on TV. Never to let an opportunity like that pass, I said yes saved the date on my calendar. For those of you who don't know, David Bromstad is the openly gay hottie designer on cable television.

On the big day, fellow Star-F*cker, Sam jumped in my car and we drove up to Corte Madera to be on the live taping of Color Splash in West Elm. I was pleasantly surprised to find only a few other people, which gave me time to chat with David and ask him for his advice on decorating a room. After the taping, I got his autograph and probably made a complete fool out of myself since I was gushing like a 12 year old girl.

My episode of Color Splash aired this past weekend and I was amazed at how many of my friends watch it. I don't think the "Fusing Contemporary and Tribal" episode is available on yet.

David even said my name on tv.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The March to Spring

Beware the Ides of March, for they are upon us. Winter is slowly retreating back, and giving way to the longer days and warmer weather of spring. The birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. Thanks to Day Light Savings, we now arrive home in the evening a little happier (although waking up is a real bitch), which gives us more time to do that last bit of work around the house or enjoy a margarita with Trader Joe's Margarita Mix, which retails for just $2.99 here in San Francisco.

This has been a tough winter. Hopefully with the snow melting and the bears coming out of their dens comes happy fun times.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

random thoughts

So tonight, I taped the UCLA-Washington game. It was on this afternoon on the "Comcast Sports Bay Area" channel, which I think is such a joke. Back when I lived in Seattle, Fox Sports Northwest used to own the airwaves on Saturday and Sunday doing the live broadcast of collegiate sports. But I digress...

The Huskies and visiting Bruins battled it out on the hardwood in one of the oldest NCAA basektball venues in the country. I have to do my homework on Hec Ed Pavilion (you can call it Bank of America Arena or for the old skool, Sea First Arena) but I think good ole Hec Ed is one of the most historic.

My Point. For my Pac-10 Friends out there, I wonder .... if you didn't go to your school, what Pac-10 school would you choose and why. I'm talking runner up, 1st runnerup and 3rd ...

Email me.