Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturday Afternoon Antics in Honolulu

It's been a busy few days since our return home from Sydney this past Tuesday. The house is a mess, I had about 3 million emails at work that I needed to catch up on, and both Gav and I have been battling the post-holiday blues.

Luckily for us, Patty and James flew in from Sydney (on their way home to Chicago), so we could have one last hurrah together!

James and Gavin at Leonards. (Gavin's butt is made out of malasadas!)

Keau, Patty and Gav at the "Blowhole".

Valley of the Temples, Kahalu'u

Come on baby, ring that bell!

Gavin, that pineapple isn't ready to be picked yet!

After we dropped the boys off at the airport, Gav and I went for a beer in Chinatown. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Honolulu and we were in search of the perfect spot.

We made our way to 39 Hotel and we were the only ones there (it was 5:30pm). It was wonderful! $3 beers and an outside patio was just what we were looking for. I suggest you check out 39 Hotel's "Lucky Hour(s)" Tu-Sat 4p-8p.

Patio antics.

At $3 a beer, it's hard to have just one ... or five!

There's nothing like yummy (and cheap!) Chinese food after a few beers. I love Mei Sum!

Drunk Gavin @ home. 9pm Sat night.


I enjoy meeting people and I really value a good friend. Over the years, I have been incredibly blessed to have wonderful people fill my life.

I also love technology. It has allowed me to meet people in other places and maintain a friendship with them. What did we do before email or mobile phones? Did we actually write letters, put a stamp on it and wait a week or so for it to get to its destination? (Have you ever tried mailing a letter from Honolulu to Manchester, England?)

This blog post is dedicated to those friends of mine who live in other cities or countries around the world. Friends who enrich my life and who I care a lot about, but don't get to see them on a regular basis. Friends who I know will be awake when I come home drunk in the middle of the night or those buddies of mine who celebrate holidays the day before I do, due to the international date line.

I love my friends and I love technology.

'nuff said

Sydney Mardi Gras. Part III

I can't lie. I am smack-dab in the middle of a post-holiday hangover. Gav and I had the time of our lives in Australia and now that we're back home, we're wishing that we were back in Sydney! (Don't get me wrong, Hawaii is not a bad place to be, but while we were in Sydney we didn't have to work, we ate like kings, and partied like rock stars!)

We say farewell to Sydney with a few pictures from our last few days in this wonderful city!

This is a picture of our hotel room at the Medusa upon check in. We stayed at this fabulous boutique hotel in Darlinghurst last year and had an amazing time. I recommend it for anyone who visits Sydney. The staff is outstanding!

Keau, Jason (London) and Ash (Sydney) posing in one of the bars on Oxford Street.

Gav, Keau, Alixx (Seattle) and Rich (NYC) on the powerboat in Sydney Harbour.

Gav and Ash's car (with Ash's leg). Taken right before the Mardi Gras Parade.

The 2006 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade.

Our view from Jason's 3rd floor balcony overlooking the parade route. It was the best view money couldn't buy!

I guess Dyke's on Bikes are universal around the world for leading the parades, huh?

The Marching Boys.

Let's just say that since it was as evening parade, it was quite difficult to get quality crowd shots.

I'm just glad that I didn't have to clean this mess.

Gav, Keau, Ash, Jason, Rich & Alixx. Taken right before the Mardi Gras Party.

Unfortunately, they didn't allow any cameras into the Mardi Gras Party, but let me tell you that it was crazy! I can't begin to describe the feeling of dancing with 20,000 other people to some of the music and laser light shows around. This pic was taken at about 7am. I think we look rather good for being so wasted! :)

Gavin and I at "The Gap" near Watson's Bay.

Gavin under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Mark and Gav.

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, had "Kylie - An Exhibit" on display. It was nothing short of amazing. If you are a Kylie fan, I recommend seeing this exhibit. It showcases actual costumes that she wore in various videos, movies and concerts, as well as photos from different eras throughout her career. I was in heaven.

Gav and I went for a walk around Sydney on our last day. I finally got my picture taken in front of the opera house.

Sydney Mardi Gras. Part II

Gav and I love to eat and boy, have we been eating on this trip to Sydney. Here are a few of the highlights!

This past Monday, Gav and I went to the Trinity Pub located in Surry Hills for their special of the day - $5 Bangars & Mash. If you're not familiar with this old English pub favorite, then you have to try it! Sausages, mashed potatoes, gravy and a nice cold beer. Yum.

On Thursday, we went to Harry's to have a yummy meat pie. We had the "Tiger" which is a steak pie with "mushy peas", mashed potatoes and gravy. YUM! I love gravy!

On Friday, Gav and I went to Lindt Cafe with Ash and Jason. We devoured four delish chocolate desserts. Talk about decadence! Indulgence to the max, baby!

Gavin loves beer.

Sydney Mardi Gras!

G'day Mate! Here are a few pics from our first few days in Sydney.

Hawaiian Airlines check-in in Honolulu.

Our Hawaiian Airlines Boeing 767-300ER.

At the airport. Gavin loves it when I take pics of him. (He's such a good sport about it, though.)

Alena got us a sweet deal on our airfare to Sydney. He also met us at the airport. Such a sweetheart.

Our friends, Brendon, Ash and Kurt met us at the airport. It's so great having someone pick you up, esp after a 10 hour flight!

Alixx (Seattle) and Rich (NY) also came down for the festivities. Here we are at Darling Harbour just before we had an awesome ride on a kick ass power boat in Sydney Harbour. Fun Times!

This former Aussie Special Forces Military Boat that hauls ass!


Ash & Gav

Ash and his beer at his house.

Ash, who is always our social-coordinator in Sydney, threw this fab bbq. He invited a few nice (and cute!) boys.

We all piled into Ash's friend's car on the way home. Thanks Stanford for the lift!

So trashy. I love it!

Gav, Jason from London and myself before the Harbour Party on Sunday afternoon. This was taken a few hours before we got completely soaked from dancing in the rain. Hopefully, I'll have a few pics from the party soon!