Friday, October 06, 2006

Famous Paris Landmarks

You’re never prepared for seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. I can’t even guess how many times in my life I have seen a picture of it, seen it on tv or in a movie, but seeing it in real life is really quite amazing. You’re not prepared for how massive it is and how it really is the focal point of the city. (For example, the Empire State Building IS impressive, but its also surrounded by a ton of other skyscrapers. The Eiffel Tower is by far the tallest structure in the city and it is made quite apparent when you see it in person.)

For a mere 3€ we could climb the stairs to the observation deck and we were treated to a bird’s eye view of Paris. What a deal!

If the Eiffel Tower is Paris’ number one landmark, the Arc de Triomphe is a close second. Impressive in its own right, the Arc is also situated so it is one of Paris’ focal points and can be seen for kilometers in all directions.

Paris, what a romantic city!

The view from the Eiffel Tower observation deck.

The Arc de Triomphe at night.

Our xmas card.

Paris 3
Sep 27, 2006 - 6 Photos
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