Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Faded dreams of Purple and Gold
Everyear you feel it. When the days of summer start to get a bit shorter and the nights just a little colder. You can tell Summer is on its way out the door and fall is right around the corner. It's when the kids are getting ready to go back to school and there's a quiet sound to the air.
Off in the distance, you can hear the faint yet familiar sound of the drum line. Your pace begins to fasten as you clinch your preseason guide in the fist and walk faster to the sound. The beat of the drum line changes and you feel the late August air rush against your face. You can begin to feel your heart beat a little faster and the anticipation begins to bubble over. You reach into your pocket and take our your ticket. It's the first ticket of many tickets that are on a sheet with this season's captains printed on it. Quickly, you hand the embossed piece of paper to the woman working the door as ladies with shiny sequence hats walk by. To your left, you hear a young boy asking to his father if the sophomore quarterback will have his breakout year.
You begin the hike to your seats as you find yourelf longing for the years as an undergrad and student seats on the 50 yard line. As you hear the band getting louder and the fans begin to clap, you quicken your pace. You push past families and old people , and your eyes grow wider as you see the light at the end of the tunnel. As you get closer, the light gives way to a view of a packed stadium and a sea of coordinated color. Your hands start clapping as you work your way to your seat. You hear the familiar sound of the fight song and begin to sing, just as you realize to yourself that football season has returned.
Wow. I hope that you could feel just a tiny bit of what I put into writing that fucking thing.
Here's the deal. The Huskies have had 2 losing seasons in a row. This is huge people. Their losing season last year was the first in a gazillion years.
As a Husky fan, I had my lofty expectations crushed as I watched my beloved Dawgs win only two games this year. Gone are the days of rivalries and winning streaks. Of Bowl Games and hopes of Pasedena. Bragging rights and trash talking have rolled over to expose their underbelly. It is a dark day to be a Husky.
But, there's always next season!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I love Kailua

Before I moved to Oahu in March of 2003, I never thought that I'd ever live in Honolulu. I always preferred the laid back lifestyle of the Big Island over the hustle and bustle of Hawaii's largest city. As a child, I always enjoyed visiting the windward side of the island, so it's no surprise to me that I have come to really love Kailua. My daily commute is about 20 minutes in each direction, which allows me to listen to my NPR or talk radio (what a nerd!). The drive also allows me to think. It's funny how I am so busy that I often don't have time to think about stuff.
On the days that I come home early from work, I enjoy exploring Kailua or taking a stroll along the beach which isn't too far from my house. A few weeks ago, Gavin and I took an early evening walk along Kailua beach. I love Kailua.

Thursday, November 24, 2005
Too good to pass up ...
Wed Nov 23, 9:41 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - CNN apologized on Tuesday and offered a rare explanation from its control booth for a technical glitch many viewers failed to notice -- a large "X" the network flashed over Vice President Dick Cheney's face.
CNN, a unit of Time Warner Inc., later issued a mea culpa saying an investigation by senior management concluded "this was a technical malfunction, not an issue of operator error" and expressing regret for the incident.
Whatever the reason, the timing couldn't have been better. With Cheney's approval ratings in the polls, this little techincal malfunction was the perfect Thanksgiving Gift.
Thanks, bitch.
Please take a moment to remember those who are less fortunate than us. As Americans, we have this sense of entitlement and we forget the disparity between us and the rest of the world. I ask that you do what you can to remember what we have and never take that for granted.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Stop your whining already!
5 bottles a week is what Gav and I average between the two of us. For price, I go to Costco. They have a great selection at great prices. One of my favorite's has actually been a 2001 Kirkland Signature Cab from the Alexander Valley. For those of you not in the know, Kirkland Signature is Costco's brand that is known for excellent quality at affordable prices. Whether we're talking tighty whities, cranberry juice, bathroom tissue, or in this case ... wine, Kirkland Signature is always top notch. At $17 a bottle, I wonder how much this wine would cost if it wasn't under the Kirkland Signature label. Consumers really do come out on top with Kirkland Signature!
I am going to try and put together a photo wine journal here on my blog. I'll try my best to rate the wine and give you a little description. (I'll probably have to get Gavin's help on the description, since he's so good at telling me about tannens, bouquet and all those fruity tastes.) Until I get down the lingo, I'll tell you if I'll buy it again. How does that sound?

2004 Argyle Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
Consumed: Nov 8, 2005
Price: Unsure. Definitely under $20
Bought: HASR Wine, Honolulu, HI
Would I get it again? Sure!

Cheers Gavin!
Hello Monica
Thanks for the blog comments and for always keeping up to date on your reading.
I do, however, have one question for you ...
Who are you?
I apologize, but I'm not sure who you are exactly and I'd love to know.
Thanks and keep on reading! :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I love my job
Basically Durex gives me a thosand dollars a month (which I get a percentage of) and I do whatever the heck I want with just about all the condoms and lube you can imagine. At ever opportunity, I am passing out condoms at club nights, bars, concerts, parties and just about anything else you can think of. I had no idea Durex products were so great! There's the original "Love" condom (pretty vanilla), the Extra Sensitive thin condom, the Peformax condom that helps him go longer, the Her Pleasure with ribs in the right area, the mutual pleasure with ribs all over, and everyone's favorite, the Extra Large. Yup, I've got them all. So whether you're having vaginal sex, anal sex or just plain and simple safer sex, I've got the product for you.
I love Durex. They're my favorite client.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience Part II

We ended up bringing a few bottles home from Australia. We enjoyed the Shiraz in one night, but we bought two bottles of the Lindemans Tawny. For those of you who don't know what a Tawny it, it's a red dessert wine. It's a bit sweet (and Gavin and I bought a pair of tiny crystal wine glasses at Goodwill to drink our tawny out of).
After Australia, we spent a few months trying out various Australian and New Zealand wines. Not a bad region, if you ask me. We were getting our wine experience for our upcoming trip to Italy.

Italy kicked our ass. We were sick as dogs from partying too much in the fabulous clubs of London, and were in no condition to go on a wine tasting of the Chianti region of Tuscany.
We ended up going.
The Old World region of Italy wasn't as fun to the novice as Australia, but I can't begin to tell you how blown away I was with the vineyards that outdated the United States. It was awe inspriring to see how many centuries of wine making has been passed down from generation to generation.

The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience
When we first met, I didn't know much about wine. Gavin knew a bunch, but never really sampled a whole lot of wine. Then we went to Australia. The Hunter Valley is perhaps one of the best places to sample wine as a newbie. Two neo-wine enthusiasts exploring one of the New World's best.
Phillips or Flathead?
Now before you start thinking of my mom as a drunk, you have to realize that she is perhaps the most loving person you could ever meet. So what if she had a drink in the early evening? I say that a drink, a walk, or smoke ... whatever you need to unwind, is what we all need to stay sane.
This Thanksgiving, I am going to pour my mom a drink. It'll be in her favorite lauhala basket/cup combo, but this time I'll use Grey Goose and fresh squeezed Ka'u oranges. That'll make her day.
Cheers, mom!

Sunday, November 13, 2005
Beating the Funk
Today, I stand here as a blogger. I vow to start posting the juicy details of my life again. This I promise you!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The old blog
I've copied and pasted my old blog here! Yay!
Monday, October 31, 2005
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
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Friday, October 28, 2005
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
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Monday, October 24, 2005
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
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Friday, October 21, 2005
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
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Friday, October 14, 2005
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
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Monday, September 19, 2005
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Friday, September 16, 2005
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
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Tuesday, September 06, 2005
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I need a publicist .... ... to take care of these things. Apparently my pic made it on Christa's Blog. I have to stop drinking so much, then maybe I could remember a thing or two. |
Flooding, looting & anarchey Has anyone seen the news today? New Orleans is completely underwater and all hell is breaking loose. It must really suck to live in that city! I've been channel surfing tonight and every video clip shows the city just covered in gross dirty water. To top it off, there's been looting and other forms of social disobiedience (and not in the productive way). Just about every clip of people looting is of black people. Gotta love the media. That's what happens when you have Republicans controlling both houses of Congress and the White House. The last four days I was in an isolated cabin in Clinton, Montana, with only tenuous links to the outside world. Today was the first time I was able to truly get a handle on the New Orleans disaster, and it's almost too staggering to comprehend. It's donwright biblical. This is the greatest disaster to hit our nation in most of our lifetimes. Worse than 9-11. New Orleans is underwater. Biloxi is 90 percent destroyed. Who knows how many dead. Who knows how many homeless. Who knows how many jobless. We have a bona fide refugee crisis on our hands. There will be a time for a full accounting of what went wrong, both preparing for this thing and relief efforts afterward. I don't know if the time is now or later. Honestly, I don't much care. I'm too horrified by what I'm seeing today. It's overwhelming. I just wish that the president gave a damn about what's happenend. Unfortunately, he's too busy playing 'country rock star". And yeah, that photo is from today. Good to see Bush has gotten on with his life. He's gotten good at that. On the bright side of things, my brother who just so happened to be in some po-dunk town on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi is safe and sound. He and our cousin drove up to Monroe, LA. Apparently, they are in Illinois at the moment and heading to Minnesota tomorrow to stay with our aunt. I have to admit that I'm a little bit jealous, because it sure sounds like a fun adventure. (I could do without the evacuating, though.)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Bow Down To Washington
Willingham Era Set To Get Underway Saturday
Aug. 29, 2005
The Game: The Washington football team opens the 2005 season, its first under new head coach Tyrone Willingham, this Saturday, September 3, against Air Force at Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks. Kickoff for the game is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. and it will air live on ABC-TV to a regional audience. After the Air Force game, the Huskies remain at home for the rest of the month of September, playing host to California, Idaho and Notre Dame. The UW's first road trip comes Oct. 1 when the Huskies face UCLA at the Rose Bowl.
I ::heart:: the 80z I sometimes say that I need a weekend to recover from my weekend. This past weekend was no exception! Gav and I went on Fri night to the Gay Bars and ended up coming home pretty late. On Saturday, we ran around town running errands and getting ready for the 80'z All Stars at The Wave Waikiki which was later that night. We raided our friend Jared's closet and also took a trip to Savers to make sure we had everything in order. The party ended up being a lot of fun and of course we were pretty toasted by time we made it home at 4am. Thank goodness I live a stone's throw away from The Wave. Thanks Jared for letting us borrow your stuff! |
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Kokua Fest 2005? I would kill to get a mp3 of G Love and Jack Johnson singing "Holiday" from Kokua Fest 5. Now that would rock. |
Inner Desires. So I have a confession to make. Yes, I have something that I've been hiding and trying my darndest to run away from. I want to have a blog. Actually, I'd prefer to have a vlog, but I have no idea how any of that stuff works, nor do I have any desire. I actually want to have a political blog. Something sassy. Something that gets people thinking. Something that will make the cable news on occasion. CNN would call me to give my opinion on whatever's the topic-du-jour. "Now from our Honolulu Affliate, we have Keau K from to tell us his view on President Bush's newest appointee to the Supreme Court." or something like that. You get the idea, right? So until I can actually post a "real" blog, I'll stick with writing random thoughts here on
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
blog ... blog ... blog ... So Gav and I were walking down Kalakaua two weeks ago and we went into Restaurant Run or whatever the heck that sushi place is called that's in the Marriott. We enjoy going to that place because of the cheap beers. Anyhow, upon leaving the fine establishment, I find on the floor, a little baggie of pakalolo. How fun is that? |