Friday, December 30, 2005

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

The documentary " The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" has been on my Netflix queue for a few months after I missed it's limited engagement here in Honolulu. After waiting and waiting, the I received the film in the mail today and loaded with anticipation, I watched it tonight.

It sucked. It was too long (they could have condensed the entire film into a half an hour mini-documentary) and it needed some massive editing. I guess you could say they're the same thing?

The movie wasn't as much about the parrots, but rather about the weird single man who watches them. It was about his life and his relationships with the bird.

The two things about this movie that absolutely irritated me, were the constant use of recorded bird calls throughout the movie and the bird watcher's constant use of anthropomorphism towards the birds.

In any event, I gave " The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" a 1 out of 5.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Modern Day Slavery

From today's LA Times

Hundreds of young North Korean women are working in garment and leather factories like this one, easing a labor shortage in small Czech towns. Their presence in this recent member of the European Union is something of a throwback to before the Velvet Revolution of 1989, when Prague, like Pyongyang, was a partner in the Communist bloc. The North Korean government keeps most of the earnings, apparently one of the few legal sources of hard currency for an isolated and impoverished government believed to be living off counterfeiting, drug trafficking and weapons sales. Experts estimate that there are 10,000 to 15,000 North Koreans working abroad in behalf of their government in jobs ranging from nursing to construction work. In addition to the Czech Republic, North Korea has sent workers to Russia, Libya, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia and Angola, defectors say. Almost the entire monthly salary of each of the women here, about $260, the Czech minimum wage, is deposited directly into an account controlled by the North Korean government, which gives the workers only a fraction of the money. To the extent that they are allowed outside, they go only in groups. Often they are accompanied by a guard from the North Korean Embassy who is referred to as their "interpreter." They live under strict surveillance in dormitories with photographs of North Korea's late founder Kim Il Sung and current leader Kim Jong Il gracing the walls. Their only entertainment is propaganda films and newspapers sent from North Korea, and occasional exercise in the yard outside. "This is 21st century slave labor," said Kim Tae San, a former official of the North Korean Embassy in Prague. He helped set up the factories in 1998 and served as president of one of the shoe factories until he defected to South Korea in 2002.

The news of this is horrible on so many levels. On one hand, this is what happens when the EU zealously expands and includes countries that aren't on the same socio-political level as France, German, the UK, etc. Like NAFTA, CAFTA and other forms of free trade, this leaves a vaccuum behind when skilled workers leave to find higher paid wages in more developed economies.

Secondly, I find it completely eerie how far our country has swung to the right and how this administration's power can go unchecked. It's like Nixon on Steroids. (Okay, I know this wasn't a blog post based on Bush, but I couldn't help myself.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas.

I love homemade eggnog, pigging out, drinking on a Monday afternoon, spiced rum and substance abuse. Nothing says Tis The Season like being bombed on day three of a three day weekend. God Bless Christmas and Christ Almighty!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Dim Sum

I love Dim Sum. I really do.

I just stuffed myself silly at lunch and now I'm back at work and desperately trying to get work done, but I am so full that I can't even move.

Man, what a fat ass I've become!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Weird Science

Tis the season!

As Americans flock to their local Wal-Marts and gobble up Chinese-made plastic Sponge Bob toys and Cuddly Elmo dolls, the proponents behind teaching Intelligent Design, or the theory that a divine power created the universe, are busy licking their wounds. A Pennsylvania judge ruled recently that Intelligent Design can't be taught in high school biology classes, but only after the Board of Education and community was made into a national laughing stock.

I'm not saying that God doesn't exist or that we were't created by some power, for each of us is allowed to believe whatever we want to believe in. That's the beauty of this contry.

It means that in science, we can't turn to the supernatural to explain things when natural processes don't answer all of the questions.

Religion and Intelligent Design do not belong in the classrooms. Amen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Grape Tomatoes

I am in love with grape tomatoes from Costco. These little delicious red gems of goodness are sweet and firm and about the size of .. well, grapes! I recommend you trying them out sometime. They go great in salads or for a light, yet healthy, snack. Vitamin C, Licopene and other goodies are loaded into these zingers!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Holidays

I don't know if you've heard the news or not, but there is a War going on against Christmas right now. I kid you not, a mutha fucking War against the holiest of all American Holidays. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's an all out attack on our core and spirit. These crazy liberals out there, want to take away your right to worship as you please. They want to strip you of your Constiutional Right like in a Seuse-esque way so they can subject you to their twisted and perverse ways. Each time they replace "Merry Christmas" with their anti-Christian slogan of "Happy Holidays", these liberals take an attack on Jesus Christ, himself.

Crazies out there.

Man, I'm so good, I could work cleaning the filter at a right wing think tank!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Sydney Mardi Gras 2005

So Gav and I went to the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras this past year, and Girl, let me tell you! For us American's, it's all about the Southern Hemisphere mystique. Different accents, opposite seasons and a culture that is both quirky and familiar all at the same time. Boys and Girls, this is Australia.

Picture it ... 20,000 hot shirtless gay boys all dancing together on a warm Sydney Fall night. It is truly a sight to see and an experience to yearn for. I often say that gay men get to live in the fantasy world that the child in the candy store could never even conceptualize.

It was pretty fabulous from the get-go. A short 10 hour flight on Qantas from Honolulu to Sydney. If the Business Class Lounge champagne didn't get me in the mood, the wonderful (yet New World) Aussie wine they were serving on our flight sure did! Our cute and oh-so-convienent boutique hotel Mark suggested was perfect! Location Location Location, people! The Medusa really took care of every need a gay couple at their first Mardi Gras could use. I would recommend this place to anyone going to Sydney, and I'm talking everyone. I would send my gay brother, my best gay friend, my parents or even grandparents there if I had the opportunity. This place is so glam that Kylie Minogue stayed in one of the suites. How fab is that?

I often think that I am the envy of many gay men out there because of my strategic location to Australia and the Pacific. In the past two years, I've gone to Australia twice, Fiji and New Zealand. I would love to visit French Polynesia, The Cook Islands, Asia and so much more.

Gavin and I are making plans for the 2006 Mardi Gras and I invite anyone who is curious to come along and experience the fun. Words cannot begin to describe how amazing it is.

I'm such a lazy ass

I really need to start blogging on a regular basis. If I ever hope to have readers, I need to have daily content.

I never knew that leaving myspace would be so hard!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Does you get email access in heaven?

Communicating with the deceased has been something that humans have tried to accomplish for over thousands of year. Since the dawn of time, we have lost those who are most precious to us, often times not getting the opportunity to have that last conversation with them. We often have 20/20 vision in hindsight and often deliver a very emotional soliloquy after everything is said and done. What if we had a way to communicate with the dead. What if heaven had email and internet access.

Of course, the majority of this question stands on the basis on whether or not there actually is life after death. But for the sake of argument, why don't we just say that you die and go to heaven. No hell or anything nasty like that, (I think the concept of hell was created as a form of control by the church.) just heaven. Plain and simple ole heaven.

When an old person dies, you are left with memories, but when a young person dies, you are often left with questions.

If you had email access in heaven, there wouldn't be so many questions.

But are those questions meant to be answered?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Faded dreams of Purple and Gold

With great sorrow, I am going to try and convert my feelings of sadness and sorrow for prose. Bear with me, since this isn't very easy for a diehard Husky fan like myself.

Everyear you feel it. When the days of summer start to get a bit shorter and the nights just a little colder. You can tell Summer is on its way out the door and fall is right around the corner. It's when the kids are getting ready to go back to school and there's a quiet sound to the air.

Off in the distance, you can hear the faint yet familiar sound of the drum line. Your pace begins to fasten as you clinch your preseason guide in the fist and walk faster to the sound. The beat of the drum line changes and you feel the late August air rush against your face. You can begin to feel your heart beat a little faster and the anticipation begins to bubble over. You reach into your pocket and take our your ticket. It's the first ticket of many tickets that are on a sheet with this season's captains printed on it. Quickly, you hand the embossed piece of paper to the woman working the door as ladies with shiny sequence hats walk by. To your left, you hear a young boy asking to his father if the sophomore quarterback will have his breakout year.

You begin the hike to your seats as you find yourelf longing for the years as an undergrad and student seats on the 50 yard line. As you hear the band getting louder and the fans begin to clap, you quicken your pace. You push past families and old people , and your eyes grow wider as you see the light at the end of the tunnel. As you get closer, the light gives way to a view of a packed stadium and a sea of coordinated color. Your hands start clapping as you work your way to your seat. You hear the familiar sound of the fight song and begin to sing, just as you realize to yourself that football season has returned.

Wow. I hope that you could feel just a tiny bit of what I put into writing that fucking thing.

Here's the deal. The Huskies have had 2 losing seasons in a row. This is huge people. Their losing season last year was the first in a gazillion years.

As a Husky fan, I had my lofty expectations crushed as I watched my beloved Dawgs win only two games this year. Gone are the days of rivalries and winning streaks. Of Bowl Games and hopes of Pasedena. Bragging rights and trash talking have rolled over to expose their underbelly. It is a dark day to be a Husky.

But, there's always next season!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I love Kailua

Before I moved to Oahu in March of 2003, I never thought that I'd ever live in Honolulu. I always preferred the laid back lifestyle of the Big Island over the hustle and bustle of Hawaii's largest city. As a child, I always enjoyed visiting the windward side of the island, so it's no surprise to me that I have come to really love Kailua. My daily commute is about 20 minutes in each direction, which allows me to listen to my NPR or talk radio (what a nerd!). The drive also allows me to think. It's funny how I am so busy that I often don't have time to think about stuff.

On the days that I come home early from work, I enjoy exploring Kailua or taking a stroll along the beach which isn't too far from my house. A few weeks ago, Gavin and I took an early evening walk along Kailua beach. I love Kailua.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Too good to pass up ...

Someone at CNN has a lot of explaining to do about this ...

Wed Nov 23, 9:41 AM ET

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - CNN apologized on Tuesday and offered a rare explanation from its control booth for a technical glitch many viewers failed to notice -- a large "X" the network flashed over Vice President Dick Cheney's face.

CNN, a unit of Time Warner Inc., later issued a mea culpa saying an investigation by senior management concluded "this was a technical malfunction, not an issue of operator error" and expressing regret for the incident.

Whatever the reason, the timing couldn't have been better. With Cheney's approval ratings in the polls, this little techincal malfunction was the perfect Thanksgiving Gift.

Thanks, bitch.

From turkey and stuffing, to gravy and cranberry sauce, I am very thankful this year. I am healthy, I have a family and boyfriend who love me dearly and basically, I have a great life.

Please take a moment to remember those who are less fortunate than us. As Americans, we have this sense of entitlement and we forget the disparity between us and the rest of the world. I ask that you do what you can to remember what we have and never take that for granted.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stop your whining already!

As you know, I am a fan of wine. I have had somewhat of a wine explosion this past year and I have Gavin to thank for it. Let's face it, it's no fun drinking wine alone. The "experts" say that it's good for your health to drink a glass of red wine a day. What about 5 bottles a week?

5 bottles a week is what Gav and I average between the two of us. For price, I go to Costco. They have a great selection at great prices. One of my favorite's has actually been a 2001 Kirkland Signature Cab from the Alexander Valley. For those of you not in the know, Kirkland Signature is Costco's brand that is known for excellent quality at affordable prices. Whether we're talking tighty whities, cranberry juice, bathroom tissue, or in this case ... wine, Kirkland Signature is always top notch. At $17 a bottle, I wonder how much this wine would cost if it wasn't under the Kirkland Signature label. Consumers really do come out on top with Kirkland Signature!

I am going to try and put together a photo wine journal here on my blog. I'll try my best to rate the wine and give you a little description. (I'll probably have to get Gavin's help on the description, since he's so good at telling me about tannens, bouquet and all those fruity tastes.) Until I get down the lingo, I'll tell you if I'll buy it again. How does that sound?

2004 Argyle Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
Consumed: Nov 8, 2005
Price: Unsure. Definitely under $20
Bought: HASR Wine, Honolulu, HI
Would I get it again? Sure!

Cheers Gavin!

Hello Monica

To my dear friend Monica,

Thanks for the blog comments and for always keeping up to date on your reading.

I do, however, have one question for you ...

Who are you?

I apologize, but I'm not sure who you are exactly and I'd love to know.

Thanks and keep on reading! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I love my job

So for those of you who don't know, I work for a radio station. I sell advertising and "help businesses grow." I have some really great clients, but I have to admit that my all time favorite is Durex.

Basically Durex gives me a thosand dollars a month (which I get a percentage of) and I do whatever the heck I want with just about all the condoms and lube you can imagine. At ever opportunity, I am passing out condoms at club nights, bars, concerts, parties and just about anything else you can think of. I had no idea Durex products were so great! There's the original "Love" condom (pretty vanilla), the Extra Sensitive thin condom, the Peformax condom that helps him go longer, the Her Pleasure with ribs in the right area, the mutual pleasure with ribs all over, and everyone's favorite, the Extra Large. Yup, I've got them all. So whether you're having vaginal sex, anal sex or just plain and simple safer sex, I've got the product for you.

I love Durex. They're my favorite client.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience Part II

We ended up bringing a few bottles home from Australia. We enjoyed the Shiraz in one night, but we bought two bottles of the Lindemans Tawny. For those of you who don't know what a Tawny it, it's a red dessert wine. It's a bit sweet (and Gavin and I bought a pair of tiny crystal wine glasses at Goodwill to drink our tawny out of).

After Australia, we spent a few months trying out various Australian and New Zealand wines. Not a bad region, if you ask me. We were getting our wine experience for our upcoming trip to Italy.

Italy kicked our ass. We were sick as dogs from partying too much in the fabulous clubs of London, and were in no condition to go on a wine tasting of the Chianti region of Tuscany.

We ended up going.

The Old World region of Italy wasn't as fun to the novice as Australia, but I can't begin to tell you how blown away I was with the vineyards that outdated the United States. It was awe inspriring to see how many centuries of wine making has been passed down from generation to generation.

As Gavin, Jason, Rob and Jeff tried various wines from this region rich with history, I lay sick as a dog in the short bus that Jeff so kindly hired. I look back at the event and shake my head over how such a wonderful opportunity was squandered over three nights of hot boys, great music and mind altering substances. Hmm.... or was it?

The Gavin & Keau Wine Experience

The boyfriend and I LOVE wine. I can't begin to tell you how much vino we consume on a weekly basis. (If anyone is interested in drinking wine with us, let me know.)

When we first met, I didn't know much about wine. Gavin knew a bunch, but never really sampled a whole lot of wine. Then we went to Australia. The Hunter Valley is perhaps one of the best places to sample wine as a newbie. Two neo-wine enthusiasts exploring one of the New World's best.

Neuvo architecture and exploratory usages of grapes, makes for a liberal and open atmosphere for the most green of wine fans.With our trusted friend (and driver) Ashley, we went from vineyard to vineyard. We would stop and taste various shirazs, cabs, whites and our favourite of them all, the tawny. It was a day of fun, sun, lunch and great wine ... all spent down under.

Phillips or Flathead?

As either of my sibling can attest to, my mother has a great love for the screwdriver. I'm not talking tool belts here, but rather good ole fashioned OJ with vodka over ice. I'm not kidding around here kids, she has a high ball glass in a lauhala holder. The sound of ice in a glass brings back memories of playing with my action figures (or sister's Jem dolls) on the green lineoleum of my parent's 1976 house. Just like Tina in Mommy Dearest, I knew how to pour mommy's drink.

Now before you start thinking of my mom as a drunk, you have to realize that she is perhaps the most loving person you could ever meet. So what if she had a drink in the early evening? I say that a drink, a walk, or smoke ... whatever you need to unwind, is what we all need to stay sane.

This Thanksgiving, I am going to pour my mom a drink. It'll be in her favorite lauhala basket/cup combo, but this time I'll use Grey Goose and fresh squeezed Ka'u oranges. That'll make her day.

Cheers, mom!

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Beating the Funk

I can't explain it, but for the past few weeks, I've been in a funk. A non-blogging funk. First it started with little changes that started happening on and then it turned into becoming a full recluse from posting my daily antics online. I apologize to my readers who look forward to my daily dose of keau-isms.

Today, I stand here as a blogger. I vow to start posting the juicy details of my life again. This I promise you!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The old blog

I've copied and pasted my old blog here! Yay!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Ahoy Sailor!

On Sunday, Gavin, Brian and I got a tour of the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier in the US Navy. Our friend George, who is based on the Nimitz, gave us a tour of the ship. (It's SO BIG!)

George and Keau on the flight deck.

George in his whites.

Keau trying to be dramatic.

Uhh...what are they talking about?

This ship is not built for tall people!

Brian getting a shot.


Sunset at Pearl Harbor.

Dogs in costume?

Clear Channel sponsored the Hawaiian Humane Society's K-9 Days at Thomas Square. The theme was "Howl-ween!"

The pics will tell the story:

I have a soft spot for Mini-Pins!

I also have a soft spot for airdale terriers!

So Cute!!!


After the park, Gavin really wanted a beer! Sidestreet Inn had these UH Media Guides that came in 3-D. How rad is that?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Boogie Nights!

Friday night was the kick off for Halloween Weekend 2005.

AJ took Gavin and I to the GIFT Foundation's fundraiser "Boogie Nights", which was held at the swank Pacific Club. Alicia and Noah met up with us for a smashing good time.

Gavin as Jesus?

Noah, Alicia, AJ, Gav and Keau

Glam Bitches

Boogie Down on the dancefloor!

I love camera tricks!

Such a groovy couple!

Bling Bling Y'all!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Sulu is Gay!
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

One of my heroes, George Takei comes out:

George Takei, better known as Mr. Sulu from three seasons (and six movies) of the hit TV series Star Trek, has casually come out in a new interview with Frontiers magazine. "Brad’s my partner, we’ve been together for 18 years," Takei tells Frontiers. "I’ve been 'open,' but I have not talked to the press."

Now that he has decided to talk about it publicly, Takei joins a short list--which also includes BD Wong (Law and Order) and Alec Mapa (Half & Half)--of openly gay Asian American actors.

68-year-old Takei was born in Los Angeles, but spent his childhood in Japanese internment camps in Arkansas and Northern California. His family moved back to L.A. for his junior high and high school years, and he went to U.C. Berkeley to major in architecture. But a summer job at MGM doing Japanese to English translation for a cartoon series inspired Takei to switch from architecture to acting, and from Berkeley to UCLA.

He landed a few roles in theater, which led to bigger roles, feature films, and eventually, Star Trek.

"I've been enormously lucky [in my career]" Takei told a Montreal radio station in 1994, "and certainly the capper on the string of luck was meeting Gene Roddenberry and to be cast in the role of Sulu, which was a breakthrough role for an Asian American actor....I think Sulu played a very important role in balancing the perception of Asians by the North American public."

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Halloween = Gay Christmas

Today, I bring you Part 1 of a 2 Part Mini-Series in celebration of Halloween, which Gavin fondly calls, "Gay Christmas." I hope you enjoy!

Mary Gay Christmas everyone!

Halloween has always been a part of the gay culture. It's the holiday when all of us fags can appease the inner drag queen in us and come out proud as our favorite female role model. Whether you're Tina Turner, Mariah, Xena Warrior Princess, Lynda Carter as Wonderwoman, or a kimono clad Madonna, Halloween welcomes all. The butch fags like to dress up in military gear or as jocks while the others choose their favorite Rice Novel Vampire. The homo-erotic underscore that comes along with a room full of men wearing fangs, eye liner and black clothing (not to mention kick ass bods) is stronger than the smell of onions after eating a Subway Veggie 6 incher!

In honor of Halloween, I am going to do a little countdown of my costumes of the past.

2004 - The Many Years o
f Cher

Last Hallowee, Gav and I travelled up to Seattle to join my friends at the annual fundraiser for Gay City, called "The Bump." We decided to be the many years of Cher. We had Sonny and Cher, Turn Back Time Cher, Gypsies Tramps and Thieves Cher, Blonde 2001 Cher and Half Breed Cher. It was a lot of work coordinating the various costumes, but I do think it paid off!

Half Breed Cher sings along with Cher and Sonny

Sonny Bono mounts Half Breed Cher

2001 Blond Cher, Turn Back Time Cher, Michelle, Gypsies Tramps and Thieves Cher and 1960's Cher do a number

2003 Halloween - The School Girls

*note: at this time, not all of the pictures for this blog have been properly uploaded. they will be posted when the become available

What do you do when you have 5 boys who dress up as horny school girls?

Well hello, kitty!

Check back tomorrow for Part II of Halloween: Gay Christmas.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Is he my boyfriend or my brother?
Current mood: irie
Category: Life

So get this ... I was taking a shower tonight and Gavin comes in and says in a sweet voice, "Oh, I have a suprise for you!" and I get excited like he just brought me a cookie or beer or something, right? Anyhow, I reply, "Ooooh! What is it?" and then Gavin climbs up on the ledge of the tub and throws a cup of refrigerator brita water on me, cackles and then runs out!

That Bastard! Am I living with my boyfriend or with my brother?

That Rascal!

Blogging from work is bad

Blogging from work is bad, so don't do it.

America's Sweetheart, Tonya Harding, is back in the

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) -- Tonya Harding tussled in her home with a man she described as her boyfriend, prompting an emergency call by the figure skater-turned-boxer and an arrest of the man.

Christopher Nolan was charged with assault and pleaded not guilty Monday. He told deputies Harding threw him down and bit his finger when he said she had too much to drink on Sunday. The 27-year-old Nolan was ordered to stay away from Harding and to avoid alcohol.

What is your favorite five letter word to describe Tonya?

In other
news GW is tanking in the polls. How far will he go?

Poll: Bush would lose an election if held this year

In the latest poll, 55 percent of the respondents said that they would vote for the Democratic candidate if Bush were again running for the presidency this year.

Not popular!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Brokeback Mountain, Dim Sum PM & Rich

Tonight Gavin and I saw Brokeback Mountain at the Hawaii Theatre. It was one of the main movies (or the main movie?) of the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival. It was pretty awesome seeing a gay cowboy movie in a big ole theatre. I'm not talking cinema, I'm talking theatre, like where they perform on stage. The place was packed with homos and other artsy types. Overall, I have to say that the movie got a B but seemed to just fall short of expectations. I can say that I am in love with Jake Gyllenhaal. He is HOT! He can brokeback my moutain anyday!

Aussie hearthrob, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal heat things up in this cowboy drama.

After the movie, Gav and a few friends and I walked over to Mei Sum for some evening dim sum. Mei Sum is one of my absolute favorite places and Helen always hooks us up with good service (don't expect freebies from a Chinese Restaurant!). Although the food is very delish, I have to admit that something is lost when you have to order from a menu rather than having steamer carts circling the room. Not complaining though! I love Mei Sum!

Ono Kine Grindz! Broke da mouth!

So I get this text message from my good friend Rich, who just moved from Seattle to New York City. He just upped and moved himself without knowning anyone in the Big Apple. I am really proud of him for doing such a ballzy thing and I can't wait to visit him.

Anyhow, he sends me this text message on Sunday morning saying that he saw Madonna at the Roxy! What a bitch! I am so jealous. For those of you who don't know, the Roxy is a Chelsea Gay UberClub-Institution. It's filled with thousands of muscle bound homos dancing with their shirts off. Not your everyday sort of club, but definitely a good time if you like to party! My new favorite blog,
Pink is the new Blog, has it all (thanks Roothfor introducing me to the new blog!)

She is so fucking glam!

Ok, it's 11:15pm on Monday night. Gavin is sleeping in bed and the rain is falling outside. It's time for me to sign off now, even though I could probably type for 30 more minutes.

I can't wait to start pod-casting, but until that actually happens, let's look forward to Keau's Blog: Digital Glam v2.0 which will be hitting you next week sometime.

Good night! xo


Rich emailed me this pic that he took of Madonna from his camera phone. Thanks Rich!

Myspace's swing to the Right

News Corp. Buys

Murdoch2Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is buying the company that owns social network for $580 million. This announcement comes right on the heels of a major reorganization of News Corp's various Web properties under one single umbrella. One day Murdoch is going to figure out this whole Web thing, and then we'll be sorry.

Update::Comscore reports that MySpace had 17.7 million visitors in June, compared to only 11.9 million visitors for all of News Corp. Online. Hmm, now the acquisition is starting to make a little more sense. And I thought the days of buying eyeballs were over.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

My father's scanner

My father loves his digital cam, his scanner and most of all the internet. Over the past few years, I have collected a few photos that he has sent my way and I've decided to share them with you.

My grandfather, Aunty Tomi, my father, grandmoter and unknown girl. Kikiaola, Kauai 1948.

After my parents' wedding. December 1976.

My brother, Yuki and me with mom. (1980)

The Rug Rats with Grandpa Joe (1982)

The Rug Rats with Grandma (1984)

My father and his softball team in 2005. He's in the second row, second from the right.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Bi Bim Bap & Hello Kitty!
Category: Life

Gavin and I have gotten into the habit of taking the digital camera around town with us, since you never know when you're going to need an impromtu photo shoot!

Saturday afternoon was spent with my good friend Hello Kitty at Sanrio Ala Moana's Super Celebration. Ok, honestly, it was a work event, but who am I to say no to hanging out at Sanrio for two hours on a rainy Saturday in Honolulu? I spent most of the afternoon taking pictures of the crowd and looking for that perfect Sanrio stash container. You know, to hold my knick-knacks, my collectible, my keepsakes. Stuff that's important to me.

I forgot my meow mix and cat nip!

I felt really sorry for the poor girl who was in the Hello Kitty costume. She could barely see through the little screen in Kitty's nose and she had a hard time keeping the giant head upright on the massive feline's body. I guess that if I had to be a mascot, I'd be Hello Kitty since she has no mouth so kids don't expect her to speak. This one time in Seattle, I got to jump in the costume of T-Wheedle, the KOMO-TV (Seattle's ABC affliate) mascot for a halftime event at Husky Women's Basketball game called, "Mascot Basketball". Every year, the University of Washington athletic department invites the various mascots from around town for a game of basketball to be played during half time during a Husky Basketball game. Blitz the Seahawk, The Sonic's Squatch (and the girl squatch), Blitz the Seahawk, The Brown Bear Carwash Bear, Tacoma Aquasox Frog thing (AAA Minor League), an inflatible cell phone from the now defunct Airtouch Wireless, and my personal favorite, the Ivar Clams! Most of the costumes came with their own people to wear them, but KOMO TV had sent the Wheedle costume and since I was a Marketing Intern (and tall), they had me square off against professional mascots. Let me tell you, it's not fun being a heavy suit that smells like sweat, trying to play bball against Blitz and Squatch who do things like jumping off trampolines and doing somersault slam-dunks! It was mot traumatic when Wheedle got pushed into the inflatible cell phone guy and then hit the ground. The Wheedle head came undone and all of a sudden I was laying on the court with 4,000 fans looking at my bear human head coming out of this big brown outfit. Blitz the Seahawk jumped on me to cover my head like a fumble, while Squatch collected Wheedle's head and put it back on me. How embarassing!

Ivar Clams, Squatch of the Sonics and T. Wheedle

Ok, back to our weekend ....

After Sanrio, I met up with Gavin and we went to Sorabol to eat some yummy Korean Food. It was a dark and wet day in Honolulu (dare I say "cold"?), and we were in the mood for something hot and delish! Sorabol is perhaps, my absolute favorite Korean restaurants. It's open 24 hours with tons of parking (sometimes you need to valet). It's nicely decorated and the staff is very friendly (yes, for a Korean Restaurant!) and the food is out of this world! Gavin and I shared a yuk he dol sot bi bim bap, which is a hot stone pot filled with rice and various chopped goodies. Kal bi, mushrooms, bean sprouts, assorted veggies and then topped with ground beef and a raw egg. You mix the egg and ground beef into the steaming hot rice and the heat from the incredibly hot stone pot cooks everything up so it's nice and yummy! We also had Soon Du Bu Chike, which is a spicy soft tofu soup. On the side we had the various banchan, or side dishes and then hot sake to wash it all down. Gavin and I were in heaven! The hot Korean goodness was the perfect answer! Yum!

Yuk Hae Dol Sot Bi Bim Bap with Soon Du Bu Chike behind it! Yum!

Dig in Gavin!

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Crucible
Category: Sports

My Washington Huskies square off against USC this weekend. USC is on an 28 game winning streak, while the Huskies have won only two games in the last two seasons. It doesn't look good for the Huskies, who I think are pretty much going to get their asses handed to them by the prolific offense of USC. However, we could also have a case of Deja Vu!

Here's one good omen for the Huskies — the last time USC went 28 straight games without a loss, the streak ended in Seattle. That occurred in 1980 when a USC team that had gone 26-0-2 in its last 28 games was beaten by the Huskies 20-10 in Seattle, a game that helped Washington advance to the Rose Bowl for the second time under coach Don James.

I've seen stranger things happen.

Brownie did a heck of a job!

From the AP:

In the midst of the chaos that followed Hurricane Katrina, a Federal Emergency Management Agency official in New Orleans sent a dire e-mail to Director Michael Brown saying victims had no food and were dying.

No response came from Brown.

Instead, less than three hours later, an aide to Brown sent an e-mail saying her boss wanted to go on a television program that night — after needing at least an hour to eat dinner at a Baton Rouge, La., restaurant.

This is exactly the type of stuff that we need to make public to show what a complete mess the government has become. From Katrina to Rove to DeLay to Plame. Libby to Frist to Iraq and Katrina. Both houses of the GOP controlled legislature and the White House are built up on a false infrastructure that's made up of nothing more than lies and deceit. If you're still reading and getting mad, prepare to get even more upset when you read the actual emails:

Marty Bahamonde, first FEMA official in New Orleans before Katrina made landfall, to agency Director Michael Brown, Aug. 31, 11:20 a.m.:

"Sir, I know that you know the situation is past critical. Here some things you might not know.

"Hotels are kicking people out, thousands gathering in the streets with no food or water. ...

"The dying patients at the DMAT tent being medivac. Estimates are many will die within hours. ... We are out of food and running out of water at the dome, plans in works to address the critical need."

Sharon Worthy, Brown's press secretary, to Cindy Taylor, FEMA deputy director of public affairs, and others, Aug. 31, 2 p.m.:

"Also, it is very important that time is allowed for Mr. Brown to eat dinner. Gievn that Baton Rouge is back to normal, restaurants are getting busy. He needs much more that 20 or 30 minutes. We now have traffic to encounter to get to and from a location of his choise, followed by wait service from the restaurant staff, eating, etc."

Bahamonde to Taylor and Michael Widomski, public affairs, Aug. 31, 2:44 p.m.:

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! ... Just tell her that I just ate an MRE and crapped in the hallway of the Superdome along with 30,000 other close friends so I understand her concern about busy restaurants."

Sick, sick, sick. I hope Brownie enjoyed that meal.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Arrest warrant issued for DeLay
Category: News and Politics

From the Austin American-Statesman

A Texas court issued a warrant Wednesday for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to appear for booking, where he is likely to face the fingerprinting and photo mug shot he had hoped to avoid.

Bail was initially set at $10,000 as a routine step before his first court appearance on conspiracy and money laundering charges. Travis County court officials said DeLay was ordered to appear at the Fort Bend County jail for booking.

The warrant was "a matter of routine and bond will be posted," DeLay attorney Dick DeGuerin said.

The lawyer declined to say when DeLay would surrender to authorities but said the lawmaker would make his first court appearance Friday morning.

I would love to see that crook's mug-shot!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Birthday Celebration Continues
Category: Friends

Instead of trying to put our Saturday in words, I've decided to do a photo montage. What do they say? A picture is worth a thousand words?

The Gays sure like to party.

Day II - The Sheraton Waikiki & Skyline at the HanoHano Room

Stoli-Pine for the Birthday Boy?

Leanna pours a strong drinkie drinkie.

Mt Rose American Teen Princess

Gavin tries out the tiara.

Watch the lights of Waikiki as you go up 30 floors in the glass elevator. *Ooh!*

*Flash Photography will upset the animals!*

Happy Birthday Derina Bottoms!

Derin on the chair & Koolau.

OMG! It's
Veronica's Birthday Too! Happy Birthday Girl!

Kalei is straight up gangsta!

"This isn't a buffet for the poor, you whores!"

Gavin likes hats.

The Gays Love their Parties.

Blue Steel - Birthday Edition!

Alicia & Noah keeping it real in the hotel room.

Tamra, get out of bed!

Too much drinky?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Friday Night Photo Recap
Category: Life

Last night we went out to celebrate Derin's Birthday. Prima Donna thinks that he can have not one day, but an entire weekend of parties. This bitch.

Dinner at Kobe Steakhouse

Our bad-ass chef.

The Birthday Cock ... err ... Cake.

Blow honey, Blow!

I feel like a Rabbi!

Gav & I at Hard Rock

The lovely Crystal from Island 98.5's Morning Show with Ms Derina Bottoms

She's a fab gal pal.

Gav, Alicia & I at the Wave. Good Times.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Open Enrollment
Category: Life

I'm having a Carrie Bradshaw moment right now. I'm sitting here in front of my computer in my underwear typing away on the computer and asking myself questions about life. (I'm not smoking a ciggy or drinking a cosmo, but it is only Friday morning afterall.) It's not about sex or relationships, however, but rather it's about my life and possibly death.

Today is the deadline for me to take care of my work benefits package. Last year, I was only concerned with making sure I could choose my health care provider and dentist, but this year, I had a few more things running through my head. Call it maturity or maybe it's life experiences forcing me to think about death. Nobody wants to think of early departure from the Earth, but with all that's happened this past year, I can't help but think, What if? Should I spend the extra four bucks a month so my beneficiary will get some $$$ if I should happen to die early (I really hope I don't!), should I put a few hundred into the flexible health care fund, so I can use pre-taxed dollars to buy my prescription Rx? (Hello Xanax!) Does this mean that I'm finally starting to grow up?

Ok, this blog post isn't as fun or entertaining as the rest, but it is about something that's important to me. I'll write something fun and sassy later. I'm sure I'll have lots of material after this weekend since we'll be out and about painting the town red ... or in this case, Pink. It's Derin's birthday and we're going to celebrate and party hard!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Things that I love

Here's a list of things that I currently love.
If you're not familiar with anything on the list, click on the link or do a simple google search.

v. Fall 2005

Yellow Tail 2004 Reserve Shiraz
Reno 911!
Tri Tip Steak from Costco
BAMP Project
Kirkland Signature Crystal Stemwear (they hold so much wine and when you do the math, you find out that they cost $3.50 each)
my blue tooth headset
Hamakua Mushroom - Ali'i Mushrooms
The Randi Rhodes Show on Air America
Living with Gavin
Fabulous liberal blogging at
Obey T-shirts
Japanese Menthol Eyedrops
The Killers remixes
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Minority Leader
Shokudo Honey Toast
Green Light Beer
Boulevard Saimin
Firefox Mozilla

Care to share your favorite things?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's all about the cock...
Category: News and Politics

I usually don't listen to much of what the crazy right wing religious wackos have to say about things, but I found it rather funny that James Dobson, founder of the conservative Focus on the Family, advocates that a father should shower with his son, "where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."

Even with these lunatics, it always comes down to who has a bigger unit. It's all about the cock baby!

Now, that's a big cock!

The American Way
Category: Life

From the AP:

Toy sellers preparing for a blue Christmas ... Those sentiments, likely to be shared by millions of parents this holiday season, are a depressing turn for the $20 billion toy industry. If parents buy only one or two fewer toys each, the collective frugality could give the industry its third straight year of falling holiday sales.Toy retailers, preparing for a difficult season, plan big discounts and other promotions.

It absolutely makes me sick that our fragile economy relies on the fact that the middle class needs to absolutely max out their credit cards and head into high-interest debt to make the holiday season a "success." Toy-makers are rushing to find the next variation of Tickle Me Elmo so their sweat-shop/slave labor factories in China can pump out thousands of plush dolls so Wal-Mart can undercut everyone to push this crap onto the consumer. Popular children's toys these days rely on special effects and the latest technology instead of creativity and durability like how they did when I was a kid. Children these days don't play with one toy at Christmas, but rather, they receive dozens of toys that will probably end up in some box in the closet unused and unappreciated.

But hey! It's the American Way, right? Capitalism at it's best. Our market always has a way of balancing out, right? Right???

Shout Elmo

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Like Burn?
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Enough with the fucking Burn Lounge Bull Shit. Leave me a lone already. I don't care about your Pyramid Schemes. Go pull your Amway shenanigans elsewhere. There are over 800,000 people in this state alone and yet those pesky Chiquitas keep on coming after me. Leave me alone already!

Ok, back to the real world now.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm a Blog Wh0re

I love my blog. I love it when people read my blog and post comments. I love telling people about my blog. If I were to be a guest on a talk show (The Daily Show, Letterman, Tyra, Ellen, etc), I'd plug my blog.

As Seattle Politician, Charlie Chong, would say, "That is what I am trying to proclaim you about!"

Charlie Chong

Currently listening:
In Between Dreams
By Jack Johnson
Release date: By 01 March, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Attack of the 6 foot tall Korean Girl!
Category: Sports

Today, golf phenom, Michelle Wie announced that she is going pro. Rumor has it that the two contracts that she signed with Sony and Nike are worth between 4 to 5 million dollars EACH. Not bad for a 15 year old girl from Punahou. I have no idea how she does it, but in every appearance she has such poise and grace, and with her height (she's 6' tall), you'd think that she was much older. She tops the short list of people to watch in 2006. Glam. That's all I can think of when I look at her.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I love Monchong!
Category: Food and Restaurants

Gav and I were pushing the large shopping cart around Costco yesterday and in the meat/seafood section they had Monchong for sale. Also known as Pomfret, fresh Monchong (Taractichthys steindachneri) is pretty much the world's most perfect fish. Ironically, it wasn't always prized by chefs throughout the islands. For a long time, it was discarded due to it's ugly appearance and more importantly, because it was by-catch, meaning it was caught unintentionally while fishing for other types of fish. If you have never had Monchong, I recommend trying it. As Gavin says, "It's pretty much impossible to F-up Monchong," since it stays so moist. I recommend it with a nice white wine, like a New Zealand Pinot Gris. It also has a much longer shelf life than most of ther fish. Remember: Fish that smells like fish, is not fresh fish!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Bush Nominates Drag Queen to the Supreme Court
Category: News and Politics

Yesterday, President Bush nominated White House counsel, and long time associate, Harriet Miers to fill the Supreme Court Seat left by Sandra Day O'Connor. There's quite the buzz over this nomination, since some on the Left are saying that this could be a sign that Bush is avoiding a potential showdown with the Senate Democrats by not nominating an ideological right wing-nut, while the religious right crazies are up in arms since they feel that they deserve another Thomas or Scalia. All I have to say is, Girl, you are one scary looking bitch. Have you seen her picture? I've seen drag queens at after hour bars who look better than her. In some of the pictures that the AP is using, she looks like a drowned rat.

Moving On Up
Category: Life

I can't say this enough, but I hate moving. I hate it with a passion. Since I moved out of my parent's house in 1995, I have determined that I haven't lived in a place longer than a year. I have moved 13 times since 1995! I guess that's what happens when you don't own your own place, or even better, when you like change. Maybe I should just chalk it up to my capricious nature. In any event, I have moved out of my Waikiki place and now all of my Earthy posessions are in Kailua. Not to sound too cliche, but a new chapter has begun in my life and I couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


So my friend Cara, who lives in LA and works for Sony, got to speak to Daphne Zuniga on the phone the other day. I'm so J!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Moving is a real pain in the ass. Back in college, I would move probably once every 9 months and that was a real bitch. Now that I’m in the Real World (The Real World Hawaii with that funny drunk girl. Not the Real World Seattle, where the girl with lyme disease got slapped by that closeted Black guy.) I have a lot of stuff. I try not to collect too many material items, but when you suddenly have a disposable income after being close to the poverty line, you can’t help but acquire fabulous little items. Take my Halloween Box, for example. The darn thing is just jam packed with all sorts of great costumes, wigs, accessories and other festive items that I just can’t part with. (If anyone wants to take a look into Keau’s Halloween/Costume Box, let me know.)

Where are you moving, Keau?

Gav and I have decided to give co-habitation a shot. We’ve been flirting with the idea since we returned from Sydney back in March, but now that we have been dating for over a year and we think that we have things under control, we’re going to attempt to combine our living situation. On the positive side, we can save a bunch of money (I just saved 15 percent on my car insurance!) and we can also share expenses (food & drink probably account for a huge part of my monthly budget). So this Saturday, I’m moving to Kailua. Good bye Waikiki. Good bye stumbling-distance from the Wave. Good bye Porpoise Spit!

Will we ever see you again?

Of course! Gavin and I are social animals and I know that I will need my own space every now and then, so you’d better believe that I’ll sneak out every now and then to have mid-week rendezvous with friends & coworkers.

I’m excited to start this new chapter in my life. Never before have I lived with anyone that I’m dating. I’m both scared and giddy at the same time. I have complete confidence in our communication skills, so I know that living together will work out. Besides, whatever doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger!

Back to packing.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

I like tight ends!

I am a man. I like to drink beer. I like to arm wrestle. I even like to fart. But most importantly, I love watching football. Whether it's on tv or even better, live in person, I love football! I love third-down conversions, I making the hand clapping safety dance after 2 points in the end zone, I love trash-talking, I love First and 10's, I even love drinking beer at 8:30am before kick-off. I will take a crisp fall day with the sound of the drum line in the distance over a sunny summer day at the beach surrounded by Kylie's backup dancers. People! I love football!

I'm not talking just any football. This is nothing against the NFL, Pop Warner, AFL, KFC, or ESPN 8 the Ocho, but I am a NCAA Div IA Football fan only. I trace this to my Aunt and Uncle who always wanted their first born nephew (they had no kids of their own) to attend the University of Washington. I remember Christmas as a kid. I would look longingly towards my sister's Jem and the Holidagrams dolls that she would get and then take a hard long look at my WASHINGTON HUSKIES 1990 ROSE BOWL CHAMPIONS SHIRT and think to myself, "Wow, I don't know what the heck a Rose Bowl is, but it must be important."

Anyone who's gone with me to an away game can attest that I am a grade A shit talker. Seriously. I love marching into another team's stadium loaded up with all the one line zingers that you can use in your trash talking arsenal. I would have the ultimate come-back on their "Heisman Candidate" that didn't quite have the season they were hoping for. I love shit talking with everyone! Old white trash men, with young hot frat boys, and even with the crazy grandmas with sparkly hats - I can shit talk with them all. I've gotten beer cans, dog biscuits, pom poms and ice thrown at me at various venues. I remember this one time that I had to correct a drunken Michigan fan who had made the error of calling the three of my friends and I "fags." I had to politely tell him that Brent, who was with us and not gay, was in fact, not gay. Silly Michigan fan didn't know what to say back.

Football has really been dead to me for the past 2 seasons (well, this seaon and last). For you see, my beloved Washington Huskies are not having the seasons we expected. Ross and i were talking about the good ole days where we used to get our panties in a bunch when we would lose 3 or *GASP* 4 games a year and have to play a mid-major team that had a good year in the inagural Oahu Bowl. Of course, nobody cared about this bowl. Nobody cared about The Air Force Academy and their triple option offense. Nobody cared! So we lost.

Cheers Dawg Fans

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ryan K Robertson
Category: Life

Last week I lost someone who's life meant so much to me. He inspired me and showed me how to trust, love and be loved. He showed me the world and challenged my mind, while all the time being one of my best friends. Even after we ended our two and a half year relationship, you still played a huge role in my life.

I don't understand how someone who was loved could feel so alone? So down and depressed, that the only answer was to end their own life? His funeral was filled with dozens of people who all felt that Ryan had inspired their lives in some form or another. That, my friends, is a quality that is rarely found in our world.

If you know Ryan or would like to know more about how special he was, please visit his memorial

Currently listening:
Here's to the Night
By Eve 6
Release date: By 12 November, 2001

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Real World: Waikiki
Category: Life

Realty TV 2005

I got sucked into watching Dancing with the Stars tonight. My very first episode! This show is quality tv. With judges with all sorts of accents and back stage reactions and comments by the contestants, you may very well be watching the Olympics or something. With one of the judges being a hot Japanese-American girl from Hawaii! Carrie Ann Inaba. How hot. (Punahou Grad, though). Here's what
ABC's website says:

"Carrie Ann is a naturally feisty character and along with her stunning good looks isn't afraid to say what she means or tell it like it is. If she doesn't like something, she'll let you know, even if it may hurt your feelings.

Carrie Ann's impressive background in choreography gives her the confidence to put forth her opinions and take no prisoners. Although she takes enormous pleasure in seeing non-dancers commit themselves to such a brave task, the celebrities are going to have to work hard to impress this tough cookie.

Carrie Ann is a much sought-after choreographer and has worked on numerous feature films, television shows, music videos and tours including Showgirls, Miss America 2003, American Idol, Madonna's The Girlie Show tour and Ricky Martin's Shake Your Bon Bon video. She also starred in Austin Powers 3: Gold Member as "Fook Yu.""

Hmm.... I really don't know what to say about that resume. I mean, I love .. LOVE Madonna and she was in the freaking Girlie Show from Sydney? That's the second coming of Jesus. But, "Fook Yu" from "Austin Powers 3: Gold Member"? Seriously. Not that cliche, stereotypical Asian sex crazed school girl. It's sad that most Asian Americans need to take such roles. Anyhow, back to the story...

A quick little research trip to Google, found her filography, which I guess should be called her danceography. You might remember her from such hits as “In Living Color,” “Show Girls, and “Austin Powers 2.” That’s so sexy. Seriously. She’s the bitchy but supportive Paula Abdul of Dancing with the Stars! How could an entire season of this gem go by without me even knowing? It took me going to Seattle (Ross’ ipod is named “J. Peterman,” isn’t that sick?) to find out that the gays are all in a buzz over this show. I doubt they’ll put season 1 on dvd, but if they do … Netflix, here I come!


Realty TV 2005 Part II

I was in Seattle this weekend (I’ll write more about this later) and on my last night in town, the boys and I went to RPlace. RPlace is a Seattle Gay Bar that has seen many changes in the past few years. I have no idea how old the bar is and what the history is of it’s 3 story layout, but it ironically was the very first gay bar I have been to.

So, I go to the bar to order a round for the boys, but who’s there pulling beers, but Mr Danny from The Real World New Orleans. (Remember the cute gay one with the military boyfriend?) I was really drunk and all I could do was stutter my order. I should have Bryan Singer-ed his ass!

I'm such a StarFcker.

Currently listening:
By Pink
Release date: By 20 November, 2001

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sleepless in Seattle
Category: Life

It's been an extremely difficult weekend for me. I am having an extremely difficult time articulating my thoughts and attempting to convey them in a written manner. Needless to say, the loss of Ryan in my life has been a very hard and I will never forget what he meant to me.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Life and Death. The passing of a friend.
Current mood: depressed
Category: Life

You're never quite ready when a friend calls you and he says that he has "bad news."

On Wednesday, I got a call from my friend Ross in Seattle who told me that a dear friend of mine ended his own life on Tuesday night. For the past 48 hours, I have had a swirl of emotions spinning around. Anger, disbelief and sadness, just to name a few. I found myself reflecting on my relationship with him and how he's changed my life. I wonderered how sad and alone he was and why he couldn't tell any of the people who loved him so. Above all, I am blown away by the fact that I will never see my dear friend again. Look at your life.

Look at your friend's and family's life. Think about what they mean to you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bathroom Break
Category: News and Politics

REUTERS/Rick WilkingU.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14, 2005. World leaders are exploring ways to revitalize the United Nations at a summit on Wednesday but their blueprint falls short of Secretary-General Kofi Annan's vision of freedom from want, persecution and war.

[Update] Here's a
great link about how the White House tried to deny it. Think of it as fun shitter reading.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

In the closet, no more! I'm coming out!

It's time for me to come out. To let the world know the truth about me and that I've been hiding something for awhile now. I always knew I was different from the rest of the boys when I used to stare with curiosity at their long hard fuselage from the tip to the very end of the tail. I would stare at their engines and wonder how much intense power they could produce. Yes, I am a closet airline enthusiast.

How can I tell if my boyfriend is a closet airline enthusiast too?

Watch him when you're sitting out at the park or having a cofee at some sidewalk cafe. Watch his eyes, because you may think that he's checking out the hot blonde on the table behind you, but in actuality, NO! He's trying to catch a glimpse of that brand new 777-300ER. Yup. You've heard me. He's trying to check out her two, enormous, perfectly round engines. Seeing her beautifuly raked wings . He's thinking of where the plane is headed.

Now that I know my boyfriend is a closet airline enthusiast, what can I do to enhance our everyday conversation?

The next time you go on a flight with him, do a little research. It's not tough. All you need to do is have your flight information handy and do a simple internet surfing. Suppose you're flying from Honolulu (HNL) to Seattle (SEA) on Hawaiian Airlines (HA). Log onto
Hawaiian Airlines' website and check out your flight itinerary. Most airlines a line that describes what type of equipment you'll be flying on. In your particular case, HA flies a Boeing 767-300 Extended Range or B767-300ER. It's easy as pie! If you do more research, you'll find that HA only flies B767-300ER on their Trans-Pacific flights, but that's not what we're talking about. After you have found out the type of plane you're flying, simply work that bit of info into your regular conversation? Like this:

"Honey, are we flying on a Boeing 767 to Seattle?" You might say.

"Well, as a matter of fact, yes! How astute of you. Let's go have sex." Is how he'd reply.

Now that I've shared this little bit of info with you, I hope you can accept me for who I am. I am not ashamed of myself. A friend once told me, "Keau, you're not the first, and you sure as heck won't be the last!"

Whoa! Awesome.

Currently listening:
All These Things That I've Done
By The Killers
Release date: By 23 November, 2004

I love Gavin, but ...

So get this. I REALLY want to go to Sao Paolo, Brazil. Apparently, that city houses the worlds largest Japanese population outside of Japan. Gav and I have this hot friend who's from there and he's to die for. (Right Tamra?!) Anyhow ... I have this crazy fantasy. By no means, is this a knock against Gavin. He knows that this is a fantasy and that I would never act on this ... alone ... ;)I want to meet this tall Brazilian boy who is Half Japanese and Half Brazilian/European. We look alike, except for the fact that he speaks Portugese and just a little Japanese that he's learned from his grandparents, since he's sansei (3rd Generation). I speak only English and my yonsei (4th Generation) Japanese is not quite up to par, so we have to sound things out in broken Japanese or just communicate using physical means. Ha Ha Ha!

Brazil, here I come!

Currently listening:
Hot Fuss
By The Killers
Release date: By 15 June, 2004

Gas price increases 47 cents a gallon
Category: News and Politics

From this morning'sHonolulu Advertiser

Kaimana LeBlanc, 21, of Niu Valley, pumped $10 of gas, costing $3.659 a gallon, into a pickup truck yesterday at the Kahala Shell. He called the overnight jump in gas prices "ridiculous."

JOAQUIN SIOPACK | The Honolulu Advertiser

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Four Years Later

From the New York Times Magazine

Four years after we watched the towers fall, Americans have not succeeded in "ridding the world of evil." We have managed to show ourselves, our friends and most of all our enemies the limits of American power.

....In Iraq, the insurgents have presided over a catastrophic collapse in confidence in the Americans and a concomitant fall in their power....While the American death toll climbs steadily toward 2,000, the number of Iraqi dead probably stands at 10 times that and perhaps many more; no one knows.

....In the midst of it all, increasingly irrelevant, are the Americans, who have the fanciest weapons but have never had sufficient troops, or political will, to assert effective control over the country...."The illusionists," Ambassador John Negroponte's people called their predecessors, the officials of the Coalition Provisional Authority under L. Paul Bremer III. Now, day by day, the illusion is slipping away, and with it what authority the Americans had in Iraq. What is coming to take its place looks increasingly like a failed state.

Four years ago, our world was shocked by a senseless act of violence and terror. None of us felt, as Americans, that we could be brought to our knees by a carefully planned out attack on our very soil. Blindly, we gave the Bush Administration the key to enact and finalize the plan in which they were finally able to vindicate their master plan against the nation of Iraq. The Greatness of America and the power of the West was finally showcased for the world to see. How quickly we were able to take the collective sympanthy of the world and do a 180. Mandate or not, the neocons in control of our Federal Government have managed to mobolize their fundamentalist right-wing based by using the emotion of fear to their advantage.

Where have we come in the past 4 years? Do you feel more safe now or when a group of men slammed two jets into the World Trade Center? Do you feel that your rights as and individiual are safe? With all the major SNAFU's: from Katrina to Haliburton. The Supreme Court nominees to GITMO. Where do you see America heading in the near future? Countries like South Korea, India and China are posed to take over the territory in which we held exclusively. Our monopoly on being the leader in creative thought and scientific breakthroughs is about to be lost. This is what happens when we sell out to such notions as intelligent design vs Science, big business, and the right for government to infringe on our privacy.

I am scared. I am scared as a gay man. I am scared as an American. I am scared as an individual. The role that the government plays in my life has dramatically changed in the past 4 years. The "War on Terror" and the pursuit of Freedom and Liberty for all has, in my opinion, failed miserably. We have strained our county's capital. Both emotional and financial. We have drained resources and in the pursuit to fund campaigns that, under false pretenses, do not benefit the United States as a whole, but rather are the carefully calculated plans of a select few. The special interest groups, the evangilical religious right wing and the big businesses in the world are the ones who are now on the receiving end of the Bush Administration's war on terror, the fight against free thought, independant thinking and the hiding of trut.

Kevin Drum from The Washington Monthly puts it so elequently:

Several years on, though, it's clear that what they've really accomplished is just the opposite: an unmistakable demonstration of the limits of American power, as well as the limits of the American public's tolerance for overseas wars that have only veiled and esoteric connections to national security. In the end, I suspect that the war in Iraq will be for neoconservatism what the war on poverty ended up being for 60s liberalism: its Waterloo.

Collective Soul
Current mood: nostalgic

Sunday night. Once reserved for getting stoned and enjoying a quiet evening by myself, has changed into another party day of the weekend. After a crazy Friday and Saturday, I spent tonight at Pipeline Cafe for the Collective Soul concert, presented by STAR 101.9. At first, I wasn't sure how it'd go, but I was pleasantly surprised how awesome they were. They really rocked and I surprised myself by knowing more songs than I remembered. It even left me feeling a bit wistful for my early 20's in Seattle in the 90's (god, I'm not that old!).

Anyhow, the concert Rocked and I'm really glad that I went.

Currently listening:
By Collective Soul
Release date: By 10 March, 1999

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Brownie, is doing a heck of a job"

Note, the two superimposed photos were taken the same day.
From Boing Boing.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Chee Hu!

The Clear Channel Boys at Steel Pulse. Kapono's - Aloha Tower Marketplace. Sunday, Aug 28
Produced by
BAMP Project

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I ::heart:: Sarah

I Sarah. She just emailed me saying that she made a new Nocturnal Admissions card for Gavin. She rocks!

I'm in Labor!

Labor Day kicked my ass. Plain and simple, I partied too hard. It's Tuesday, and I still am feeling the effects of wear and tear that come with a 3-day weekend. The shananagans that Gav and I got up to this weekend was nothing short of absurd and insane. I have fully transformed the once mild-mannered Gavin into a full fledged party boy (with a passport!). He reads like a Kafka-eqsue metamorphasis (but without the whole beetle thing. Gross.)

Friday was spent rubbing elbows with the fabulous threesome of
SMART Magazine
. They have got to be my favorite Female Trio. We celebrated the coming of Fall with the SMART Magazine Fall Preview. Grey Goose and E&O Fritters were on the menu at this event. Gav and I skipped out before the Fighting Eel fashion show, but I heard that it was nothing short of fierce. Unfortunately I have no pictures since I don't carry a camera around with me, so it looks like I'll have to wait to get some emailed to me from the hostess' of the soiree.

On Saturday Gavin and I attended Cyd and Mike's wedding, which was held at the Hawaii Prince - a hop skip and a jump from my house. It was really good seeing Cyd, her family, and a bunch of my good friends from high school. Before the wedding Cyd asked that Gav and I do our part, but drinking as much as we could so they could get their money's worth from the hotel. There's something to be said about having two gay guys drunk at 11am on a Saturday morning at a predominatly Japanese wedding. Let's just say that I was by far, the loudest most obnoxious person there. After the wedding, Cyd gave me a big hug and said, "Thanks for coming. It wouldn't have been the same without you." I love that girl.

That night Gav lost his wallet as we were getting out of the cab at the Sheraton Waikiki. We were headed up to Skyline at the HanoHano room, but we had to abort those plans when my bf left his wallet, id, cash, credit cards, etc in the back of a cab. Since we were probably drunk at the time, we didn't get the name of the cab company, the driver's name or anything else that would have helped us find his stuff. Out of the all the important stuff that Gav lost, I think he was most bummed out for losing his Ramen Punch card and his Wave Waikiki Nocturnal Admissions Card. Poor guy. It really ruined his night.

They say for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Well, on Sunday we sure made up for the shitty Saturday evening we had the night before. Gav, Derin, Loulu, Leeana & myself headed to the Windard side for the Labor Day bash on the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay. Unfortuantely, I don't have any pics from this event yet, but hopefully I'll find some to post. It was nothing short of crazy and if you weren't there, you really missed out on one of the best parties of the year. There must have been 1,000 people out on the sandbar. There was a floating platform with a full band powered by a generator. Tons of boats, boys, booze and sunshine. Special thanks to the boys at BAMP for hooking it up with the beer and a place to chill since our little party of nomads were left without a home base to leave on. It was like a combination of Waterworld meet Lake Havasu/MTV Spring Break. Craziness.

Thanks to Aubco for the pic of Gav and I.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I need a publicist ....

... to take care of these things. Apparently my pic made it on Christa's Blog. I have to stop drinking so much, then maybe I could remember a thing or two.

Flooding, looting & anarchey
Current mood: wistful

Has anyone seen the news today? New Orleans is completely underwater and all hell is breaking loose. It must really suck to live in that city! I've been channel surfing tonight and every video clip shows the city just covered in gross dirty water. To top it off, there's been looting and other forms of social disobiedience (and not in the productive way). Just about every clip of people looting is of black people. Gotta love the media. That's what happens when you have Republicans controlling both houses of Congress and the White House.

Here's a little something from one of my fav political blogs
Daily Kos.

The last four days I was in an isolated cabin in Clinton, Montana, with only tenuous links to the outside world. Today was the first time I was able to truly get a handle on the New Orleans disaster, and it's almost too staggering to comprehend. It's donwright biblical.

This is the greatest disaster to hit our nation in most of our lifetimes. Worse than 9-11. New Orleans is underwater. Biloxi is 90 percent destroyed. Who knows how many dead. Who knows how many homeless. Who knows how many jobless. We have a bona fide refugee crisis on our hands.

There will be a time for a full accounting of what went wrong, both preparing for this thing and relief efforts afterward. I don't know if the time is now or later. Honestly, I don't much care. I'm too horrified by what I'm seeing today. It's overwhelming.

I just wish that the president gave a damn about what's happenend. Unfortunately, he's too busy playing 'country rock star".

And yeah, that photo is from today. Good to see Bush has gotten on with his life. He's gotten good at that.

On the bright side of things, my brother who just so happened to be in some po-dunk town on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi is safe and sound. He and our cousin drove up to Monroe, LA. Apparently, they are in Illinois at the moment and heading to Minnesota tomorrow to stay with our aunt. I have to admit that I'm a little bit jealous, because it sure sounds like a fun adventure. (I could do without the evacuating, though.)

Currently watching:
Coldplay - Live 2003 (DVD & CD)
Release date: By 04 November, 2003

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bow Down To Washington
Current mood: anxious

Tyrone Willingham coaches his first game as Husky coach Saturday.

Willingham Era Set To Get Underway Saturday

Aug. 29, 2005

The Game: The Washington football team opens the 2005 season, its first under new head coach Tyrone Willingham, this Saturday, September 3, against Air Force at Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks. Kickoff for the game is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. and it will air live on ABC-TV to a regional audience. After the Air Force game, the Huskies remain at home for the rest of the month of September, playing host to California, Idaho and Notre Dame. The UW's first road trip comes Oct. 1 when the Huskies face UCLA at the Rose Bowl.

Currently listening:
Take on Me/The Sun Always Shines on TV
By a-ha
Release date: By 27 May, 1993

I ::heart:: the 80z

I sometimes say that I need a weekend to recover from my weekend. This past weekend was no exception! Gav and I went on Fri night to the Gay Bars and ended up coming home pretty late. On Saturday, we ran around town running errands and getting ready for the 80'z All Stars at The Wave Waikiki which was later that night. We raided our friend Jared's closet and also took a trip to Savers to make sure we had everything in order. The party ended up being a lot of fun and of course we were pretty toasted by time we made it home at 4am. Thank goodness I live a stone's throw away from The Wave.

Sunday was spent at the Greek Festival, where we drank too much Greek Beer. :) The good boys over at BAMP Project had Steel Pulse in town, so we went down to Kaponos to check things out. Aubco hooked us up with these rad All Access passes (everyone else had Press or VIP! We RULED!) and we jammed to some killer raggae tunes. How irie is that? Chee Hu!

Thanks Jared for letting us borrow your stuff!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Kokua Fest 2005?

I would kill to get a mp3 of G Love and Jack Johnson singing "Holiday" from Kokua Fest 5. Now that would rock.

Inner Desires.
Current mood: chilled

So I have a confession to make. Yes, I have something that I've been hiding and trying my darndest to run away from. I want to have a blog. Actually, I'd prefer to have a vlog, but I have no idea how any of that stuff works, nor do I have any desire. I actually want to have a political blog. Something sassy. Something that gets people thinking. Something that will make the cable news on occasion. CNN would call me to give my opinion on whatever's the topic-du-jour. "Now from our Honolulu Affliate, we have Keau K from to tell us his view on President Bush's newest appointee to the Supreme Court." or something like that. You get the idea, right?

So until I can actually post a "real" blog, I'll stick with writing random thoughts here on

Currently listening:
In Between Dreams
By Jack Johnson
Release date: By 01 March, 2005

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

blog ... blog ... blog ...
Current mood: irie

So Gav and I were walking down Kalakaua two weeks ago and we went into Restaurant Run or whatever the heck that sushi place is called that's in the Marriott. We enjoy going to that place because of the cheap beers. Anyhow, upon leaving the fine establishment, I find on the floor, a little baggie of pakalolo. How fun is that?